The Colonel's Spinster - Audrey Harrison Page 0,55

then return to Rosings. It won’t be an easy task persuading Aunt Catherine what is best for Anne,” Fitzwilliam said. “I will also be telling her that she should remain at Rosings and not travel. I think Anne would recover quicker and more beneficially without Aunt Catherine fussing or demanding around her.”

“That is between you and her. If she does decide to travel, she will be made welcome here.”

“You are very good.”

“Not at all. I would do anything for Anne.”


“I do not like the look of speculation in your expression, Fitzwilliam,” Prudence said.

“It’s just that Anne would like to see me happy… and…”

Prudence flushed, but could not resist his teasing tone. “As much as I think I shall regret asking this: And?”

Fitzwilliam laughed gently. “And what would make me very happy would be the thought that one day ― one day ― however far away that might be, you might consider giving me a second chance.”

“My fortune has made me worth the effort of going against the family?” Prudence could not help the bitterness in her voice, and she moved to turn away from him.

Fitzwilliam reached out and took hold of her cheek, gently forcing her to look at him. “No. This has nothing to do with money, but everything to do with the fact that I have not had a decent night’s sleep since you left Rosings. I feel guilty because the first thought I had when I received Darcy’s express was not about Anne who was close to death, but by having a reason to travel here, I would get to see you again. What kind of cad does that make me? And I want to delay my removal until I can work out a way that will convince you to give me that second chance, but I know I owe it to Anne to help with her future happiness.”

Prudence blinked at the heartfelt words. She started to speak but had to swallow an unexpected lump in her throat.

“Have I said too much? Are you going to cast me out of the gig?” Fitzwilliam asked. For once all his natural laughter was gone. He was as serious as she had ever seen him.

Prudence could not resist the appeal in his voice or the way he was trying to be confident, but his eyes betrayed the uncertainty his bravado hid. “No. I am not going to make you walk back, however tempting that would be. Not because of your words, just to be cruel.”


“Fitzwilliam, I am afraid to trust what you say,” she said. “I have had offers in the past, but they have been made mainly because of my fortune.”

“But you are beautiful!”

“I am taller than some men, and I speak my mind. I accept that I am not an ape-leader, but there are far prettier girls out there who have better figures and are more amenable. My idiosyncrasies are accepted because of what I inherit.”

“But I fell in love with you before I knew any of that. Well, I did know you spoke your mind. I knew that within moments of meeting you, but I had no idea of your background.”

“You say you love me, but you did not offer marriage when we were together. When we exchanged kisses. Many kisses. In fact you withdrew impressively when I mentioned that we could be caught and forced to marry,” Prudence pointed out.

Fitzwilliam turned to face the front of the gig. The horses were becoming restless, but this was important. He felt if this weren’t sorted between them, his chance to secure her would be gone forever. “I am a fool. I know without doubt I am. You have to understand something about me. I have spent most of my life in the shadow of my brother, who I love dearly, and Darcy, who I don’t love quite as much since his interference between us, but I used to. They have money and looks. I am not a handsome devil, although I have been told I have an engaging address.”

“You do.”

“Thank you.” He smiled despite the seriousness of the situation he was facing. “In my society, the second son is always overlooked. We are never rich enough nor handsome enough to tempt the debutantes. Now, I am not saying this for pity. It is the truth. I think I did not take what was happening between us as seriously as it was becoming to me because I was conditioned into believing that I needed a rich wife, and that Copyright 2016 - 2024