The Colonel's Spinster - Audrey Harrison Page 0,53


“She thought them important when he was looking after her estate. That must be just as important as her daughter is to her,” Mr. Bamber shrugged.

“Papa!” Prudence could not stop the laugh from escaping.

Looking unrepentant, Mr. Bamber smiled at his daughter. “She sounds just like her parents. Can’t see what’s good for her daughter even though it is as obvious as the nose on her face. If Miss Anne loves him and will be happy, all the rest is irrelevant. I would say Rosings would be in the best of hands if Huxley is to continue looking after it. It seems a no-nonsense solution to everything. I have no idea why there will be so much fuss. Lady Catherine clearly did not learn from the experience with her sister.”

“To be fair, sir, you were and are far richer than I ever will be. There are justifiable objections to my suit,” Mr. Huxley said. He might be wishing to marry Anne, but he was fully aware of his shortcomings.

“But you bring skill and experience, and you love Miss Anne. Do not put yourself down, lad. There are plenty who will do that for you. Don’t be quick to give them the tools to beat you with,” Mr. Bamber responded.

Mr. Huxley flushed but smiled gratefully at Mr. Bamber. “Thank you, sir.”

“I think you will be a good husband to Miss Anne.”

“Papa, you really need to start giving Anne her title. She is Lady Anne,” Prudence gently scolded.

“A title is nothing at the end of the day. It won’t put food on the table, whereas this young man has worked for years on that estate, making sure it is profitable. That is what matters. Your mother was never concerned with her title, and Miss Anne shouldn’t be either. Seems to me it brings nothing but unhappiness anyway.”

“I doubt Lady Catherine would agree,” Fitzwilliam said.

“And that is precisely why her daughter is in the predicament she is in now. Her mother could have avoided scandal and gossip, but we are where we are. So, Colonel Fitzwilliam, I suggest you persuade your aunt, so that when Miss Anne is well enough she can be married by special licence.”

“Dear Lord! I will not look forward to that conversation!” Fitzwilliam said with a grimace.

“Coward,” Prudence muttered.

Fitzwilliam shot her a look tinged with amusement. “Would you like to have the conversation in my place?”

“Not at all, but I do wish I could be there to hear it,” Prudence said. “Sorry, Mr. Huxley. My funning is aimed at Aunt Catherine’s foolishness. I think you perfectly suited to my cousin. I always did.”

“I suspected as much when you arranged for me to take the reins on the carriage ride through the grounds,” Mr. Huxley said.

“Yes. She was obvious and playing a dangerous game, which I warned her about,” Fitzwilliam said.

“I regret that the situation has come to Anne fighting through a terrible illness, but I know how much Anne thought of Mr. Huxley from the start. Ladies do not have secrets. They often declare their innermost feelings to one another,” Prudence said. “I was fully aware that she had a tendrè for Mr. Huxley, and it was clear he felt the same.”

The young man blushed at receiving so much attention and having his supposed hidden feelings so easily interpreted. “I will do anything I can to make Lady Anne happy.”

“That is all a mother and her family should wish for a young girl,” Mr. Bamber said with a pointed look at Fitzwilliam. “You have a task ahead of you, but before you leave us, I advise you to let Prudence take you for a drive tomorrow through the parkland near the river.”

“I shall be sitting with Anne,” Prudence said quickly.

“I think you can hand that role over to her future husband,” Mr. Bamber said.

“But you will need me at the mill, sir. I would not wish to shirk my duty. I have already worked a short day today,” Mr. Huxley said.

“You will be more use here. Prudence needs some fresh air. She hasn’t been out properly for days. I did not say anything when Miss Anne was suffering from the fever, but as a parent, it is my job to look after my girl, and she needs a break from the sick room,” Mr. Bamber said.

“I would like to see a little of the green spaces around here,” Fitzwilliam said. He was loath to give up any opportunity of spending time with Prudence. “I haven’t strayed very far from the Copyright 2016 - 2024