The Colonel's Spinster - Audrey Harrison Page 0,26

normal. It went unnoticed by the man who was in as much turmoil as she.


Almost a week passed before it was the evening of the party held at Sir James’ house. Evenings had been trying for both Fitzwilliam and Prudence. Paranoid that their behaviour was being watched, for there was little that Lady Catherine failed to notice, they were on guard as to how they behaved with each other. As a result, their interactions were stilted and awkward.

Even Anne had looked at them frowningly on a number of occasions. It was driving them both mad.

Prudence took longer than usual to get ready for the party. She did not want to go. How could she stand to watch Fitzwilliam flirt and dance with Miss Goode when she had been the one to push him away? She could have had a week of kisses. But no, she had to be sensible and honourable, and it would go down as one of the biggest regrets of her life.

Pinning the fall front of her dress in place, she smiled to herself. At least she would be dressed in the height of fashion; Papa had made sure of that. Picking up her sapphires that would enhance the ice blue satin of her dress, she looked well enough. Not beautiful, no matter that Fitzwilliam tried to convince her of it, but she loved him for it.


One small word that meant so much. She truly loved him, and looking at herself in the mirror, she decided this was ridiculous. She held their future in her own hands. If she were truthful, they could go on without restraint. Yes. That was it. She would confess all tomorrow.

Fitzwilliam waited in the drawing room for the ladies in the party. Swirling a brandy in the large bulbous glass he was holding, he realised something that had been niggling at him for days. He wanted to marry her. He’d never wished to wed anyone else he had ever met, but he wanted Prudence. That was all well and good. He congratulated himself on choosing the finest woman in the land. There was one problem. Money.

Knocking back the liquid in one fell swoop, he silently cursed. It always came down to money.

Anne entered the room dressed in a pale gold dress, which suited her colouring perfectly. She smiled shyly at her cousin.

“You look beautiful, my dear,” Fitzwilliam said gently. “I wish you could have a season in London.”

“I would not enjoy it,” Anne admitted. “I’m not as strong as Prudence. I would wilt under the round of entertainments and the gossip and censure if I made a mistake.”

“Perhaps. It can be hard. Although you are wrong about our cousin. She has admitted she wouldn’t live in London.”

“She’s strong and able. I think perhaps she might at some point change her mind. For the right person, of course,” Anne said, with a nervous glance at her cousin.

“Are we that obvious?” Fitzwilliam asked. There was no point in pretending with Anne. She’d spent too much time with them not to have noticed some affection between them.

“A little.”

“It’s a useless cause, Anne. I cannot marry her, for I want to provide a good living for my future family.”

“Is there nothing you can do? Appeal to my mother? I do not mind giving you some of my inheritance, for I’m hardly likely to spend it all,” Anne offered.

Walking over to his cousin, he grasped her by the hands and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you, Anne, for your kind offer. It isn’t possible, but I am eternally grateful that you would be good enough to make such a kind gesture.”

Anne blushed. “It’s partially selfish on my part. If I gave away some of my fortune, I might be able to not be so far above the person I like.”

“We are a fine pair, are we not?” Fitzwilliam groaned. “What a hash we are making of our lives. I will tell you this. When I finally give up hope of finding an heiress to fool into marrying me, I shall return to Rosings and live off you for the rest of my days. We shall have each other for company.”

Laughing, Anne turned as the door opened. “Be careful what you wish for, Cousin, I might hold you to that.”

Prudence entered the room with Lady Catherine and was gratified at the expression on Fitzwilliam’s face as he took in her dress, which was sliding over her figure in a most tantalising way. He swallowed before making his Copyright 2016 - 2024