Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,68

fingers, leaving me empty and needy. A whimper escapes me at the loss, and he relishes at my desire. “Say it. Say you still love me.”

He kneels in front of me, slowly running his hands under my skirt. Goose bumps erupt over every inch of my skin.

“I used to, but I don’t anymore.”

“A love like ours doesn’t die overnight, baby.” Jake’s fingers tangle in the waistband of my panties, and he lowers them down my legs. “Tell me how much you’ve missed me.”

Watching him through hooded eyes, I lie, “I haven’t missed you one ounce.”

My thong is in his hand.

“How much have you missed my touch?” His lips meet my calf and trail upward.

My eyes close as I try to calm my breathing. Just this teasing alone is enough to get me off. “I haven’t.”

He moves over my kneecap and to my thigh. “My love? Have you missed the way I love you?”

“Not at all. You’re a mediocre lover.”

Lips reach the apex of my thighs, and he gently blows against me. “Are you sure?”

My heartrate is dangerously high with anticipation. “Positive,” I manage to squeak out.

Just when I’m certain he’s about to provide me with relief, he moves and starts on the calf of the opposite leg. “You miss waking up next to me, don’t you?”

I scoff. “Not particularly. You have terrible morning breath.”

He laughs against my thigh. “You miss my coffee cup confessions. Admit it.”

“No way. Those were so lame. And I hate coffee.”

His teeth nip at my skin. “Now, I know you’re lying. How much have you missed my kisses?”

My hands rest in his soft hair, wanting to pull him in closer. “You’re a terrible kisser. You kiss like a vacuum.”

His brown eyes look up to me, and I catch his sexy smirk.

“Yeah? Tell me if I’m still a bad kisser.” His tongue parts me, connecting with my clit.

Relief and desire for more claw inside me. Oh God, I’m willing to scream how much I miss all of it if he promises not to stop. Loud moans escape my mouth, and I pull at his hair. He groans against me, and the vibrations are almost too much for me to handle.

He pulls back slightly and raises an eyebrow. “Still bad?”

“Fucking terrible.” I pull him back into me, allowing him to continue his torturous teasing.

He grabs the back of my leg and lifts it over his shoulder, and my hips grind into his mouth. This angle is so fucking good that my back arches.

“I missed this. Tell me you love me.”

I take the edge of my skirt and cover his head with it. “Shut the hell up, Jake.”

He laughs loudly and stands, lifting me along with him. I’m placed on the counter, and I watch as Jake unzips his pants and pulls himself out. His cock is hard and ready, a bead of moisture already present. I don’t just want him inside of me. I need him.

“Spread your legs and put them around me,” he demands.

Arching an eyebrow, I cross my legs and snarl, “No.”

“Why are you being so fucking difficult?” He grabs my knees and opens them wide, easily sliding himself into me. We groan in unison, and he drops his forehead to mine. “This is going to be the best sex in the history of make-up sex.”

His thrusts are steady, and I’m already at the brink.

“It’s not make-up sex. We’re not making up. I hate you. You broke my heart.”

He lovingly kisses away my hateful words. “You still love me. I know you do. I love you. I’ll never stop,” he says quietly.

A few strokes later, and I’m clawing at his back, screaming his name—not Bryson’s—as I come around him. He follows just moments later, holding me against his body as he empties himself inside me. His breath is heavy against my ear, running chills down my spine. It feels so amazing to be in his arms, like going home, but it also hurts like hell.

“I love you, Misha.”

My eyes shut tightly at his words. “I don’t know what to say to you, Jake.”

“How about the truth?”

“I don’t know what’s true and what’s not. I want to believe you and call you a liar, all at the same time. My heart is broken, but I still love you. I don’t want to. I would have been fine eventually if I hadn’t seen you. Why did I have to see you?”

“Because I wasn’t fine, and I will never be fine without you.”

I’ve never felt so confused. I’m torn Copyright 2016 - 2024