Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,48

so I pull the blankets over me. He’s only gone for a few minutes before returning with two water bottles and a to-go coffee cup.

He hands me the coffee cup, and I see the black writing on top. My heart is in my throat.

I’m so in love with you.

I reread his confession a few times before looking up from the cup. “You love me?” I ask quietly.

He takes the cup and sets it on the nightstand before lifting the blankets and crawling into bed right next to me. “Yeah, I think I have been for a while, but I’ve been scared to admit it. You’ve shown me that I have hope for a brighter future, and I want that future with you. I know that love isn’t easy, but it isn’t supposed to be. When you find the right person though, falling in love is effortless. I feel like it just happened, that the chemistry is there, and it feels perfect. You make me feel happy again, Misha, and I can’t thank you enough for that.”

Butterflies in my stomach flutter to my heart. I bring his face to mine. “I’ve fallen so far in love with you,” I confess.

His grin is wide before he kisses me softly. “I love you, Misha Gallagher. There was a time that I swore I would never love again, let alone say those words out loud. I don’t just want you. I absolutely, positively need you.”

I kiss him, this time not as briefly. His hand tangles through my hair, keeping me in place as he claims my mouth and shows me over the next few hours exactly how deep his love for me runs.



The inspector did a final walk-through of the kitchen this morning, and everything passed inspection with no problem. Ever since, I’ve been itching to show Misha the kitchen; however, Misha isn’t being very cooperative at the moment. Drew has been my eyes on the inside, and he said she’s currently a madwoman on a mission, decorating a wedding cake for this weekend. No matter what Drew has tried, he can’t get her to leave her apartment.

Drew: I just offered to take her out to dinner to get sushi. She told me to order delivery. She’s not budging.

Jake: This is crazy. There has to be something that will get her out of the house.

Drew: Send her a dick pic. She might get horny and drop everything for the D.

Jake: Nice try, Drew.

Drew: It was worth a shot. Anyway, I’m about to just pick her ass up and throw her in my car. I have a date tonight and don’t have much time to corral her for your sickeningly sweet surprise.

Jake: Do what you need to. I’ll deal with her attitude when she gets here.

Drew: Sweet. Be there in fifteen.

True to his word, Drew’s old, beat-up vehicle rattles into my driveway exactly fourteen minutes later. Misha is sitting in the backseat with a death glare on her beautiful face, and I feel the tension radiating from the vehicle all the way onto my front porch.

Drew gets out of the driver’s side and rounds the car to let Misha out. “She’s angrier than a rattlesnake right now. And I really hope you’re up-to-date on all your vaccines because she’s a rabid animal about to fucking attack.”

He opens the door from the outside, and Misha kicks it. She crawls out of the backseat, and her angry eyes land on me. “What the fuck? Seriously! I’m going to be behind because you two have a game of Kidnap Misha and Take Her to Her Boyfriend’s House going on. What is so damn important that Drew had to throw me over his shoulder, put me in the back of Charlie with the goddamn child-safety locks on the doors, and drag me over here? What?”

Damn … she is fuming.

Drew quickly hops back into the driver’s seat and peels out of my driveway, screeching his tires. “She’s all yours!” he yells out the window and drives off.

Misha puts her hands on top of her head and looks up to the sky. “Please, Lord, give Jake the wisdom to take me back to my apartment right now, so nobody gets hurt.”

I step off the porch and extend my hand to her. She looks at it like I’m fucking crazy.

“Babe, just come inside for five minutes. There’s something important I need to show you, and then I promise I’ll take you back to your apartment. I’ll even help with anything you need Copyright 2016 - 2024