Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,4

eyes, and light stubble covering his cheeks.

Now that I’m aware of my sexy-as-sin audience, I unwrap my scarf from my face and pull my hat off, praying my hair isn’t doing that crazy static dance. “Definite understatement.”

I shrug out of my coat and hang it on the coatrack, taking a quick look into the parking lot to see if Matt has arrived yet. Outside, I observe nothing but pure stillness, noting that I’m the only fool to be out on a night like this.

“Are you here for refuge from the weather, or are you waiting for your valentine?” Hot Coffee Shop Guy is leaning on the counter when I turn from the window.

“Worse actually. I’m waiting for my blind date.” It sounds terrible, coming from my mouth, and I physically cringe at what I’ve agreed to.

“Wow, on Valentine’s Day?” His laugh is deep and rich, and it makes me smile. “Looks like you’re dreading it.”

“It was my sister’s idea. She’s trying to play matchmaker and set me up with her friend. She claims tonight is his only night off work, and it just happens to be Valentine’s Day. I’m onto her.”

“Sounds romantic.” His laugh continues. “What can I make for you while you wait on Romeo?”

Hanging on the wall behind the register are large chalkboard menus. I quickly scan the menu, all the while feeling him looking at me. When my eyes land back on him, his lips are curled at the edges.

“What?” I ask hesitantly.

“It’s cute how you squint while reading the menus, like you’re really concentrating on what you’re doing.”

Okay, Hot Coffee Shop Guy just called me cute.

My cheeks involuntarily heat at his words. “Actually, I was squinting because I didn’t bring my glasses with me. I wasn’t sure if my date would find them too attractive.”

“Taking the whole blind-date thing to a new level?”

“Oh, you’ve got jokes.” I laugh. “No, I just need them to read.”

I can make out people’s faces well, and let me tell you, Hot Coffee Shop Guy, I don’t need glasses to know you’re beautiful.

He stands up straight, and he’s tall. Like, a six-foot-three glass of water kind of tall, and I really wish that he were my blind date. So much so that I would make a deal with the Devil himself for one night with this guy.

Hot and funny? Life’s not fair.

“Although it would be a shame to hide those stunning green eyes behind lenses, I think you would probably look quite alluring in glasses.”

I shake my head and giggle. “You are quite the charmer, Hot Coffee Shop Guy.”

The nickname I dubbed him in my head passes my lips before I realize it, and I’m mortified. I’m point-two seconds from grabbing my coat and running into the frigid cold to calm my burning cheeks.

“Hot Coffee Shop Guy?” His head falls back, and I determine his laughter is contagious.

But his smile? It’s the most breathtaking smile I’ve ever seen in my entire life with perfectly straight white teeth and two adorable dimples peeking out from beneath his stubble. He’s by far the most handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I feel bad for Matt because there is no way in hell I’m going to be able to give him my full attention this evening.

“Although Hot Coffee Shop Guy rolls off the tongue easily, you can call me Jake.”

I extend my hand across the counter.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jake. I’m Misha.”

He looks at my hand for a moment, and it takes him a long beat before he takes it. “The pleasure is mine.”

How come every man who has dimples is hot? It’s like a hot guy prerequisite.

I pull myself away from staring at his mouth and clear my throat. “Uh, I guess I’d better order, so you can get back to work.”

He takes a look around the empty coffeehouse and gives a brief nod. “You’re right. All of my customers are going to be extremely upset that I’m standing here, talking to a cute girl, while they’re waiting on their orders. You don’t come between people and their coffee.”

His words are making my body forget that I was freezing less than five minutes ago.

“Well, I don’t want to cause a riot by any means. Can I have a vanilla latte, please?”

“I can do that. Go take a seat, and I’ll bring it out to you.”

The couches by the fireplace have a clear view of the parking lot, so I decide to wait for Matt there. A light snow is falling, Copyright 2016 - 2024