Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,74

most out of their ransom demands,” Kynan says with a wry smile. “They’ll cart that family around the jungle for a few weeks, keeping contact to a minimum so as to cultivate the paying members’ desire to throw as much money as possible at them in desperation. It’s a supreme negotiating tactic.”

Kynan continues, explaining the situation more. Right now, the family is working with a contract negotiator, choosing not to involve our government or police forces as the kidnappers most often demand. The negotiator will work back and forth with the guerillas, coming up with an amount that is acceptable, then the ransom will be paid. We’ll be hired to go in as security to make sure the exchange is carried out as promised and the family remains safe. As a contingency, we’ll be at the ready to use force to rescue the hostages if for some reason the ransom exchange is compromised.

“And you’re going to let me go on this mission?” I ask.

“You said not to coddle you,” Kynan replies dryly.

“True,” I admit, my eyes locked on him.

“Cage is going to head up the mission,” Kynan says, pulling a document out of the folder he’d been studying when I came in. “You’ll be second in command. Here’s the summary report on what we know so far. More information will be updated as we get it and emailed to you. Even though I’m sending you guys down to Ft. Bragg to get some practice jumps in, you need to be at the ready to move at a moment’s notice.”

“Understood,” I say with a nod.

“It could mean you spend Christmas in the Colombian jungles,” Kynan drawls, a last-ditch effort to make sure I’m committed. “Sure you wouldn’t rather have that time to spend with your family?”

My eyes have already dropped down to the document he’d handed me. I shake my head as I start to read. “I’m good.”

“Sure you wouldn’t rather stay here with Anna?” he presses. “Nothing better than cuddling with your girl around a lit Christmas tree.”

That gets my attention, as his words penetrate and the words on the page are forgotten. I glance up to find Kynan watching me like a hawk.

Well, fuck yeah, I’d like to spend Christmas with Anna. It’s a magical time and, well, I could use more of that in my life after what I’ve been through. But I just committed myself to Kynan and this mission, and I most certainly can’t let him think I’m not ready to get back in the thick of things.

“I want in on this mission,” I say flatly. “There will be other Christmases.”

I’m not sure what kind of reaction I expect from Kynan, but I swear it’s a bit of disappointment I spot in his return stare.

I brush it off. I don’t have time to pander to his sense of romanticism with Anna and me. We’re making it work because we have excellent communication skills and well… we just get each other. I know more than anything Anna will understand above all others how important it is for me to get back out there and prove myself to my teammates.

Also, to prove myself to, well… myself.



“Anna, Anna, Anna,” I hear my name called from across the second floor of Jameson. I pivot, seeing Cage jogging my way as he winds through the pit desks.

“Hey,” I exclaim, a welcoming smile on my face. He’s been gone for the last several days out to Vegas to work with the team out there for a tactical seminar.

He glances around, appearing a bit dodgy if I have to admit, and nabs me by the elbow. I was on my way to the staircase, intent to head up to the fourth floor to meet Malik for lunch—and by lunch, I mean sex in his apartment—but he steers me toward my office.

“Hey,” I challenge, trying to pull away from him.

“Sorry,” he mutters, clamping down on me tighter. “But I really need to talk. It’s an emergency.”

It’s not the words so much that has me submitting, now hurrying my step to match his. It’s the tone of his voice that has me realizing he really, really needs to talk.

He sounds almost… panicked.

I precede him into my office. He pulls the door shut behind us, immediately starting to pace back and forth.

Which, in my small office, is basically taking two steps before needing to turn around. He can only get about two more in before changing direction, so he’s more or less just circling in Copyright 2016 - 2024