Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,70

walking into the living room while cradling Avery in her arms.

I’m confused, considering that perhaps this is just a dream, so I look back to Malik for some type of clarification. His expression softens with understanding. “You’ve been asleep for almost three hours,” he explains. “Your mom showed up about an hour ago. So, I ran out and got some groceries—mostly more ginger ale, crackers, and some soup—for you.”

“Three hours?” I mutter, sitting up more fully and pushing a hunk of tangled hair out of my eyes.

“You should have called me,” my mom says, making a tsking noise in her throat before smiling down at her granddaughter. “Good thing I decided to come by to check on you.”

I wince internally, knowing her feelings are still hurt while also taking in the slight awkwardness of her meeting Malik this way.

But then my mom shoots a warm smile at Malik before saying, “Also a good thing your friend came by to check on you, too.”

And when she says the word “friend,” she puts enough emphasis on the word to say she knows he’s so much more than that.

My jaw sags slightly as my mom seems to be complimenting Malik and my choice in a man, when I thought she’d think it was all too soon. Wisely, I hold any comment about that in and merely sag against the cushions.

Malik sets the bag of groceries on the coffee table, then moves over to me. Bending toward me, he asks, “Really… how are you feeling? You slept pretty hard.”

I take quick physical stock of myself, noting I don’t seem to be nauseous. “My stomach actually feels okay. I mean, I absolutely don’t want to eat anything, but I don’t feel like I need to throw up anymore. I’m just exhausted.”

“Hours of vomiting can do that to you,” he quips with a wink. “Can you handle some ginger ale?”

I nod with a wan smile, my mom rocking Avery back and forth while she watches us.

“And maybe a bath?” Malik asks.

“Do I smell?” I ask with a grimace.

Malik laughs with a shrug. “I’ve been trying hard not to inhale too deeply, but I’m sure a toothbrush in your mouth wouldn’t hurt either.”

My mom snorts as she moves across the living room to the nursery. “This little girl is almost asleep. I’ll put her down, then go run a bath for Anna.”

“Mom, you really don’t have—”

She cuts me off with a quick but stabbing glare. “Let your mom help, okay?”

“Okay,” I mutter, and now it’s Malik’s turn to snort. They’re ganging up on me, so I shoot him a glare, but it bounces off. He just smirks before heading toward the kitchen, nabbing the bag of groceries as he walks by.

My mom comes back out of Avery’s nursery, then goes into the bathroom. When I hear the water in the bathtub turn on, I hoist myself off the couch and shuffle in behind her.

Leaning against the doorjamb, I watch as she grabs some lavender-scented bubble bath and pours a few capfuls in. Suds immediately bloom and multiply.

Glancing over my shoulder toward the kitchen where presumably Malik is putting away the groceries, I turn back to my mom and murmur, “I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I should have.”

“What’s that?” she asks, straightening as she pivots to face me.

I know damn well she heard me, but she deserves the apology twice. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I should have because I was way sicker than I thought, and I could have used the help with Avery. It was stupid not to.”

Reaching out a hand to touch my cheek, she gives me a soft smile. “Sweet girl… I respect your need to be independent. Just remember I’m always ready to help you out.”

I nod. “I know.”

She leans in closer to me, lowering her voice. “What I don’t respect is you keeping it a secret you’re seeing someone thoughtful enough to come over and check on you, then let you sleep while he babysits Avery.”

“Mom,” I begin, moving into the bathroom a bit farther. “I was obviously going to tell you. Going to bring him by so you could meet him. But we’ve just been figuring things out ourselves and—”

“I get it,” she cuts in over me, lacing enough mom guilt in her voice that I’ll second guess ever keeping anything from her again. “That’s a big deal. And, well, what could your mom possibly offer if you needed some guidance and—”

“Okay,” I exclaim with a laugh. “I’m thoroughly Copyright 2016 - 2024