Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,37


Jackson is about Malik’s age and a former Navy SEAL. Cage brought him into Jameson a few months ago. Despite being in his mid-twenties, Jackson has an old man’s vibe about him. Not physically, of course, but more in spirit. It’s like he’s seen things he shouldn’t have and, from that, he’s developed a wisdom most people his age don’t have.

“Where’s Cage?” Jackson asks.

“San Francisco,” I reply, cutting into my tenderloin. “He and Rachel are speaking at a security conference all week.”

Rachel is Kynan’s second in command at Jameson, and she runs the Vegas office. I haven’t met her yet, but I have talked to her many times via phone and Skype. She’s super cool. It’s one of the things I love most about working at Jameson and having Kynan as a boss. He puts women in power positions, and he doesn’t believe their gender is a limiting factor at all.

It often makes me wonder if I could be “more” one day. I have military training, after all. I’m daring and adventurous, not afraid of a challenge. While I’m good at my job of helping Kynan run this company, I know I have more to offer.

“I was thinking of hitting The Basement tonight,” Jackson says, turning to Malik. “Want to come out?”

To my surprise, Malik’s gaze moves to me. While his face remains motionless, I can read the question within his eyes.

Should I?

He’s not asking me from any type of proprietary standpoint. He’s asking if I believe he’s ready to put himself out there with his new teammates and into mainstream life.

“I better put a warning out to all the single ladies,” I say with a wink.

Malik takes that as my acknowledgment that… yes, I do think it would be good for him. Plus, he needs to bond with more members of Jameson.

“What about you?” Jackson asks Ladd.

He shakes his head. “Sorry… got plans tonight, but maybe some other time. They have that new ax-throwing thing there, which sounds right up my alley.”

“You’ll come, too, Anna?” Malik asks, and I swivel his way. Again, there’s nothing on his face and his tone is neutral, leaning toward just being inclusive, but it seems to me it’s important to him that I come, too.

Jackson jumps in to correct his invitation oversight. “Of course, Anna. You come, too. I wasn’t excluding you at all. I just assumed you’d need to get home to Avery.”

“My mom has her all night,” I reply with an understanding smile. But I also know part of that was exclusionary, and not because Jackson is a bad guy. It’s just… I’m not really part of that team.

I’m Kynan’s administrative assistant, which is not comparable to the bond the agents who are continually putting their lives at risk in some of the missions they go on share.

Maybe I should talk to Kynan about moving me up in the ranks. I’m sure I could be of better service here, although Jimmy is probably rolling in his grave right now at the direction of my thoughts.

I think I’ll find some time to run it by Malik first—see what he thinks.

And then it hits me… Malik has somehow become the person I feel the most comfortable going to with a life decision.

Jimmy’s not here to guide me anymore.

My mom would tell me that I’m being foolish.

My best friend wouldn’t understand.

Cage is too caught up in his new love life.

But Malik… he’d get my motivation. He’d let me talk it out. He might even disagree with me, but he’d also move mountains to help me achieve my goals. That’s a lot of faith, I realize, to have in someone, but it doesn’t make it any less true.



Anna cocks her arm, narrowing her eyes in concentration, and her tongue peeps out the side of her mouth, which is all kinds of adorable. She pauses, focusing on the target, and then she lets the ax fly.

It tumbles effortlessly, end over end, and strikes the red bulls-eye dead center.

“Goddamn,” Jackson mutters in defeat, then picks up his beer to drain it. “Never seen anything like that.”

Anna turns our way, eyes shining bright with victory and alcohol. I hold my hand up, and she gives it a stinging high five before Jackson grudgingly offers her the same. She’s kicked our asses for five straight games. While my male ego has taken a slight ding, I’m far more enjoying seeing Anna have so much fun. This past weekend when I came to her apartment to fix her dishwasher Copyright 2016 - 2024