Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,35

at Kynan’s house, but Bebe wanted it here… at Jameson. It was symbolic to her of just how far she’d come and how devoted she was to the people here.

I decided the second floor was the best place to have it since most of the floor plan was open space with some scattered furniture between the desks on one end and the couches and chairs on the other. I’d rented some additional tables for seating and a caterer to provide food that wasn’t hoity-toity… but wasn’t meatballs and pigs in a blanket.

For a second, I wasn’t sure if I went too far, so I had to verify my plans with Kynan, but he eventually gave me the go-ahead and boom… we had a bartender with an open bar.

I spent today decorating, hanging Chinese lanterns and streamers from the industrial ductwork and pipes overhead, moving the ten-foot ladder among the desks and generally making a pain-in-the-ass of myself during the workday. After his meeting with Corinne, Malik came to my rescue and ordered me off the ladder.

I tried to argue with him, but it turns out he’s incredibly stubborn and a bit of a sexist by having the temerity to think I couldn’t hang decorations from a ladder, but I ultimately gave in to him. It was easier than arguing.

Everyone seems to be here now, and the festivities are lively. As the person in charge of managing all the employee files, I can affirm Jameson employs a total of sixty-eight people between the Vegas and Pittsburgh offices. Of course, the folks in Vegas couldn’t come for this party, and several of our agents are out on active assignments, but there are easily at least a hundred and fifty people here tonight as family members were invited to attend.

I see Kynan move through the crowd toward Bebe, who’s standing with her new beau, Griff, her son, Aaron, and her mom, Gloria. He says something to her, and she shakes her head adamantly. She even attempts to move closer to Griff, as if she needs his protection from the dastardly owner of Jameson.

Kynan smirks, takes her by the elbow, and leads her away right to the floating staircase leading upward through the rest of the four floors. He pulls her about halfway up until they can be seen by the crowd.

Chatter starts to die down as people see Kynan with Bebe by him, and it’s clear he’s going to make some type of speech.

“Hey,” I hear from beside me. I jump, startled, then smile at Malik as he casually holds a beer in his hand. “Some party.”

“I’m glad you came,” I say, bumping my shoulder against his. “I know crowds aren’t your thing.”

“Meaningless drivel of conversation’s not my thing,” he corrects me. “Just greater chance of finding it at a large event like this.”

“Noted,” I reply with a laugh.

Kynan holds his hands up, someone gives a wolf whistle, and everyone quiets. He looks out over his domain—his people—and there’s pride etched on his face.

“Okay, everyone,” he calls out over the last few people who don’t realize a speech is forthcoming. “Pipe down for about two minutes, then you can go back to all of this wonderful food and liquor I’m providing for you.”

Everyone moves in a little closer, circling around the base of the stairs to be able to hear.

“As you all know,” Kynan announces imperiously. “We’re here tonight to celebrate this woman beside me.”

Kynan is clearly enjoying the limelight while Bebe looks like she wants to melt into the floor. While she’s the sweetest, nicest woman ever, she’s also a bit of an introvert, perhaps given all her years locked away.

“Bebe doesn’t like me drawing attention to her, and I promised I wouldn’t make her give a speech, so let me just ask all of you standing here to raise your glasses to toast this woman.”

Everyone does as asked, beers, wine, and highballs rising high into the air.

“I could give you story after story of how Bebe has masterfully managed to take down the bad guys. She’s what I would call the heart and breath of this organization, and her innovation and determination are unparalleled. The world became a better place—certainly safer—when she came to join us. And so, it’s my great pleasure to announce that today, President Alexander signed a presidential pardon for Bebe as well as ordered her entire record to be expunged. It’s definitely a big deal… one we are all honored to celebrate with our Bebe. She wore Copyright 2016 - 2024