Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,11

years ago with Bodie. I got shot—”

“What?” I exclaim, interrupting him.

Cage shoots me a “shush” look. He pointedly nods at Avery who’s drowsing in his arms. His voice is low, soft, and without any hesitation about sharing this with me. “We both got captured. Luckily, our captors treated our wounds pretty effectively. The government quickly had a joint CIA and SEAL team in place and on the ground. We were rescued in less than twenty-four hours, so nothing like what Malik went through.”

“Don’t diminish—”

“I’m not,” he assures me, head swinging my way again. He stands up from his chair, moves to the bassinet, and places a sleeping Avery into it. Cage straightens, comes toward me, and puts both hands on my shoulders. “But this is what we train for. We all know what might happen and the price we may pay. And every one of us who Kynan hires to be part of his team, well, we all have something inside helping us to overcome. Maybe it’s an acceptance that fate will be a bitch if she wants. We can’t control it, or maybe it’s just we have a little something extra that normal people don’t. I can’t describe it. But, bottom line, I think Malik’s the type who will move past this just fine.”

I wasn’t aware of how worried I was about Malik until I hear Cage’s words of reassurance. Letting out a long breath of relief, I wonder… did Jimmy have that little something Cage just mentioned? A true acceptance that death will come when it comes, or maybe just a hidden inner strength that can’t be explained?

I’d like to think he did. He was so strong and confident. Fully believed in his career. He was a protector to his core, not just of me and his unborn child, but of freedom in general. There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation in taking on that job. While he promised me that he’d be safe, he had to have known fate could have chosen him to be one of the ones who wouldn’t return.

Shaking my head to pull me out of those thoughts, I give Cage a tremulous smile. “How about we eat and talk about something more pleasant?”

Laughing, he grabs his beer, tapping it to mine. “I’ll drink to that.”

Upon my orders, Cage grabs plates, paper towels, and utensils. After I dish out gooey enchiladas, we settle at the table with a sleeping Avery beside us in her bassinet.

“So, I have some news,” Cage says as he digs his fork into his food. The hesitation in his voice is obvious, though, and I can tell he’s going out on a limb here.

“Oh, yeah?” Ignoring my fork, I keep my attention focused on him.

His face bears a tiny smirk, but I can see unease vying for attention. His hesitation makes me doubly curious.

“What is it?” I urge, lifting my fork and pressing it down sideways into an enchilada.

“I’m seeing someone,” Cage says.

I snap my head up, cheesy goodness forgotten. “Seeing someone?” I ask dumbly, because that’s unheard of. It seems antithetical to everything that is Cage. He’s a playboy—a renowned hound dog. He hates the thought of monogamy, and he thinks true love is for chumps.

Sheepishly, he gives me his regard. “I mean, it’s sort of new, but we’ve gone out a few times…”

“A few times?” I blurt, completely astonished. Cage is a strictly one-and-done kind of guy. He’s actually boasted he’d never date the same woman more than once.

“Five,” he clarifies. “We’ve gone out five times. I’ve even met her brother.”

I lean back in my chair, gaping at my friend as if he’s grown antlers.

“What?” he accuses irritably. “Me dating someone is not outside the realm of possibility.”

“Uh, it is when you so adamantly decry the practice of monogamy and relationships,” I point out.

“What can I say?” he says, attacking his enchilada and putting a huge bite in his mouth. He chews and chews before finally swallowing. “She’s different.”

“What’s her name?” I can’t hide the suspicion in my tone, because I’m still convinced he’s punking me somehow.

“Jaime,” he replies with a sappy expression. Holy shit… he’s actually smitten.

It’s at this point in this situation that any good friend would give him so much shit, but I don’t want to scare him off. I need more info.

“Tell me about her,” I suggest.

A goofy smile breaks out on his face, and Cage shoves another bite into his mouth. He washes it down with a swallow of beer. “She’s great. You’d like Copyright 2016 - 2024