Cocky Notes - Leesa Bow Page 0,6

turn to the door where Reef has exited the ER.

“He likes you. Just saying.”

My heart flutters, and for a few seconds, I enjoy the moment. “And I like him, along with the other hundreds who fangirl over these guys.”

He shrugs. “All part of the football journey.”

“What about you?”

Chance runs his fingers through his long copper fringe. “There’s a girl I met a few weeks ago. For a guy, I fall kinda hard. Cheesy, I know. She caught my eye the moment I walked into a party.”

“So, you think you know she’s right for you even before you get to know her?” I can’t hide the sarcasm in my voice even though there’s something about Reef that first caught my eye. My spine tingles thinking about him coming to Lombardi’s for coffee. Without admitting it, I look forward to heading to work knowing he’ll be there, although I hope he forgets about the Loser thing we have going on.

He gives me a cheeky grin, and even though it’s not a full smile, those dimples snag my attention. “Her long legs caught my eye first.”

I can’t help rolling my eyes. “She’s a model?”

Chance nods as though it’s not a factor why he’s into her. To me, it is a factor, and why I don’t think Reef would hook-up with someone like me. To snare one of these guys, I assume you need particular looks and body measurements. My boobs might be an E cup, but I have the curvy hips to match.

“She has a kind heart. A complete package. What I admire is the work she does behind the scenes with disadvantaged kids.” His dimples pop a little more with the pride in his voice.

“I like her already.”

“Like these guys.” He tilts his head toward the door where his friends have exited. “Today, they visited the children’s ward. Had photos and signed autographs… stuff to lift a kid’s spirit, especially those hospitalised for weeks. This morning when they asked me to come with them, I jumped at the chance to cheer up some kids.”

“I bet it made their day.”

“Seeing their smiles through pain was all worth it. I’d do anything to support my mate, Reef.”

I’m not sure why Chance mentioned Reef needing support. It’s about the children.

“I better get back to my dad. I hope your father’s results are okay.”

He reaches over and hugs me. “Thanks. I’ll be back in a few weeks when my team has a bye round. My sister and I are meeting up with friends. We should come by Lombardi’s and say hi.”

“Please do. Oliver would love you to bring customers.” I laugh as though it’s the only reason. Truth is, I’m glad I met Chance. He’s easy to chat with, and I could use a friend like him.

He holds up his phone before he leaves. “I’ll add you on Insta.”

When I reach Dad’s cubicle, I sneak in behind the curtains. He’s resting, so I sit quietly and open up Instagram on my phone. I hit the button to follow Chance Bateman. Jeepers, he has over one million followers. I search Reef Burton—five hundred thousand followers. I touch Follow and wonder how long it will take him to notice, or if he will at all.

The doctor enters. I close my phone and stir Dad to wake. After discussing his results, it appears his glaucoma has worsened. I swallow hard, ignoring the nausea building in my gut. I’ve neglected the one person who means the world to me. To make matters worse, Dad’s blood pressure is elevated and requires further treatment.

I wait for the doctor to write referrals for more specialists. Placing them in my bag, I leave Dad in the hospital and head home. Alone.

Chapter Four


Sunday morning, I head into work with less spring in my step. After speaking to Dad on the phone, he said it’s likely he needs to stay in the hospital a few more days for further blood tests as his blood sugar levels are elevated. What more can go wrong?

I suck it up because a lot more can, and at least his problems are treatable. There are times I wish I had a mother figure to chat with and share the burden. Only not my biological mother because that bitch can go to hell.

Usually, Sunday’s at Lombardi’s are busy with couples and groups of girlfriends meeting for brunch. Not the football players I see on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. After I open the doors and fill the front fridge showcasing Dominic’s Italian Copyright 2016 - 2024