Cocky Notes - Leesa Bow Page 0,56

shakes our hands. At least he has the decency to move on to Dakota. Felicity hugs us both. “Great party the other night,” she says to Chance.

Her mother appears by her side. “Boys, it’s lovely to see you again,” she drawls.

“Always a pleasure, Sylvia,” Chance says and kisses her cheek.

I allow her to hug me and kiss my cheek under sufferance. “Hope you had an enjoyable Christmas, Mrs Muirhead.” She gives me a pointed look since she prefers being called by her first name as Mrs Muirhead sounds old. I say it for kicks.

“Ignore Reef. A girl…” She raises an eyebrow. “Is her name, Macy? Yeah, anyway, she broke his heart. We all know how fragile his little heart is,” Felicity, says in her best sarcastic tone.

Mrs Muirhead’s eyes widen. “Really. And what does this Macy do?”

“No concern of yours. Or mine now,” I say with equal sarcasm. I turn to Chance. “Can I get you a beer?”

“Yeah, mate.”

As I leave, I hear both women question Chance about Macy. I want to tell him to give them nothing. It’s Chance, and he sees only the good in people, so I trust him to say a few nice things about Mace and then drop it.

My gut tightens thinking about her good qualities and what Chance said to me yesterday. Should I have allowed her to tell her side of the story? The way I’m hurting, I’d love nothing more than for it to be a big mistake and pick up where we left off. Only I was a douchebag to her and doubt she’ll ever talk to me again.

Weaving through the crowd, I take a sip of my beer thinking about my return to Adelaide. Maybe I could arrange for Chance to help me work things out with Macy. When I reach the spot where I left him, I’m relieved to see Felicity and her mother have moved on to another group of football players.

Chance takes the beer and pops the lid. “Mate, I need this after the barrage of questions fired at me.”

“What about?”

“Macy. Why do you think Sylvia was so interested in her?”

“No idea,” I say in a grunt because I trust Felicity’s mother less than Felicity. “I might need a favour,” I say and take another swig of my beer. “When is your team next playing in Adelaide?”

“The week after Adele’s twenty-first birthday. About a month from now. Which reminds me… your invite is in the post. And I should mention Adele also invited Macy.”

“Right. After your road trip, you’re all best buddies. You said something about knowing her better since then.” I take one more sip of beer, then meet his steady gaze. “Want to tell me about it?”

It took a week of being back in Adelaide before I joined my football mates for coffee at Lombardi’s. A Friday morning and I didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed Macy wasn’t rostered on. Ava waited on our table, and by the sideways scowl she sent me, I sensed she knew something of what went down between Macy and me.

Since I went on a weekend surfing trip to the south coast, I didn’t return until Monday, and she was rostered off again. Ava met me with the same scowl, so I knew Macy had discussed us. I took it as a good thing she thought enough of me to talk about it with her friend. Because right now, I’m all about the positives. One week with Chance is all it took me to turn my way of thinking around.

When Ava is at the front counter, I walk up and pay the bill, then quietly ask when Macy is next working.

She frowns, then folds her arms across her chest. “I can’t discuss staff with customers.”

I lean over the counter. “C’mon, Ava. You know I’m more than a customer to Macy.”

“Was is the correct word. Was,” she repeats with even more emphasis.

“I need to speak with her.”

“Is she not answering her phone?” She pushes loose strands of hair behind her ear and eyes me in a challenge.

I want to hear her story face to face, so I haven’t tried to call. Besides, I figured if I see her, I’d know if I have a chance by the way she looks at me. One look is all I need. Macy’s body language is better than any words.

“Fine. I’ll be in tomorrow,” I say, hoping she’ll happen to mention it to Macy.

The following morning, I walk into Lombardi’s. Macy’s eyes round Copyright 2016 - 2024