Cocky Notes - Leesa Bow Page 0,31

Reef walks me out, and one of his friends cheers when they see me. I want to roll my eyes only I don’t because I’m more embarrassed at the way the two other girls are gaping at me. To make it worse, I recognise one of them from the restaurant.

Bloody terrific.

Reef squeezes my hand. “This is Macy. Macy this is everyone.”

I hold up one guilty hand then make my way to the door.

“Sorry for ruining your night, you two,” the tall red-haired guy says.

“It’s fine, I was leaving anyway.”

“You’re slipping, Reef, letting her get away.”

“She’s not getting away,” he spits back. “Mace will be back in a couple of nights, so you dopes better not be here.”

Two days later, I tell Dad, “I’m heading out to the grocery store.” It’s enough to buy me time with Reef and for Dad not to be suspicious. I enter his apartment and head straight to the bedroom and leave thirty minutes later. Then I call past the grocery store to collect a few items before heading home.

The following day, Reef comes into work and after finishing his coffee, waits until my break. We drive to his penthouse and fuck for exactly twenty-two minutes before he drives me back to work.

“Are you coming around after work tonight?” he asks before I race into Lombardi’s.

It’s a Friday, and his friends arranged to head to the local bar, like most Friday nights. We’ll have his apartment to ourselves. It’s enough time for me to enjoy those special minutes with Reef, and keep a schedule to spend time with Dad.

“Sure.” I open up the calendar on my phone and write, Reef at the six o’clock slot.

“Make it for the next four Friday nights,” he says and grins.

Two weeks later, I’m standing in the foyer, and like the previous two Fridays, I intend to stay for an hour.

The time frame is my safety net. It keeps what we’re doing real and all about the sex. Plus, I keep my promise to be home to check on my father in case something happens and I’m not there. The thought jars me out of my dreamy state after an orgasm. My time is almost up, so I roll off the bed. Reef moves to the side of the bed where I stand and reaches for my arm to still me for a moment.

“Please stay, Mace.”

I gaze down into his beautiful eyes. “I can’t,” I croak. Pulling my arm from his grip, I dress quickly.

“Sure you can. I think you’re scared.”

“I’m not scared. I told you I have to get home to my dad.” I tie the straps to my wraparound floral dress.

“It’s after nine. What will he be doing?”

“He’ll be in bed. I need to check he’s okay.” I lean down and slip on my sandals, not wanting to have this conversation with him now.

“So, you check and go to bed. Doesn’t he have a phone to call you on if he needs you?”

“Yeah, but sometimes he can’t.” I shake my head, not wanting to explain our lives and routine.

“Does he tell you to come home?”

“It’s not the point.” I stand and brush my hair into a ponytail.

“It is the point.” He grabs my hand again. “You don’t want to stay because you’re afraid of opening up to me. Admitting you like being with me.”

“Of course, I like being with you. I’m here every chance I get.” I slide my hand from his grip. “I need you to try and understand.”

“How long will it be like this?”


Reef pushes a hand through his fringe and looks dead into my eyes. “You taking off. I want you to stay the night so we can wake up together. Is it ever going to happen?”

“If this is about morning sex, then I can come here every lunch break if you want.” I toss my phone and brush into my bag.

“Don’t make it sound like it’s only sex. You know we mean more to each other.”

I spin and glare at him. “It is about the sex. We don’t mean more because face it, even you had said you’re having a good time while you’re playing football.” I don’t want guilt to ruin what we have. And I don’t want him to trick me into believing we have something more. I can’t risk getting my heart broken all over again. And I certainly can’t risk not going home to my father or not checking in on him first.

He stands. Naked. Fists on his hips. “So, why Copyright 2016 - 2024