Cocky Notes - Leesa Bow Page 0,26

over his silky skin, my tongue swiping the path of my lips. He bucks a little on the wooden bench. One hand clutching the seat for support, the other gripping my ponytail, he pilots me as he soars toward orgasm.

“Mace,” he rasps the moment he comes in my mouth. “I’m sorry. I should’ve warned you. Gave you a chance—”

“You taste as good as the fruit,” I tell him.

He leans his forehead on mine, both hands on my shoulders. “Stay the night?”

Chapter Twelve


“I can’t,” I rasp. “It’s too early.”

Reef leans back and assesses me, his brows pulled tight. “Too early?”

I place my hand on his cheek and hold his gaze. “I don’t need to hear the nice things, or for you to spoon me to feel okay about this. I know what it is we’re doing.”

“Right,” he says abruptly. “And what do we have going on here between us?”

I drop my hand when he flinches away. “It’s about the sex. It’s okay, I’m a big girl and can handle that it’s nothing more. I know where I stand.”

“You want to explain it better to me?” he asks, his arms now folded across his broad chest.

What? I imagined him being relieved that I was letting him off the hook and not all clingy because this is a speech I’ve practiced in my head. “We both enjoy hooking up, and each other’s company, but nothing can come of us.”

His expression changes, and for the life of me, I can’t work it out because, for a moment, it looked like disappointment. But he shuts down whatever he’s feeling and says, “Good.”

We stand in silence for a moment.

“I’ll walk you to your car.” He grabs a T-shirt and pulls it over his head.

“I don’t need you to.” I find my bag. “I haven’t parked far.”

Reef walks me to the lift, presses the button, and waits with me. When the doors ding open, he takes my chin in his hand and gives me a tender kiss on the lips. “See you soon, Macy.”

I drive home unsure of where we’re at because that kiss did not feel like it was all about the sex. I trace my lips with my finger. This guy is not like anyone I know.

After locking the front door, I peep in on Dad. His loud, audible breaths comfort my panic, and I tiptoe along the hallway turning off lights and reach the lounge and check by his chair for beer cans. There are none. He kept his word. It’s a little after ten, so I head to bed and open Netflix on my iPad to re-watch one of the horror movies on my list.

Only I stall, opening romantic movies instead and scroll through the titles shaking my head in denial to the happy-ever-after fairy tale portrayed. I do what I vowed not to and click allowing my heart to swell even with the opening soundtrack tricking me to believe in hope. I snuggle down on my pillow, preparing my heart for a different kind of fear.

The marriage proposal in the movie plays on my mind. It’s not real. Still, I’m charmed post-movie to believe it’s possible, and like every other movie watcher, allow myself to feel worthy. I fall under a spell and drift off to sleep thinking about Reef.

I sit up in bed, remembering my dream of Reef making love to me. My heart pounds, and no longer under a ridiculous spell. I shower and head out to the kitchen ready to make breakfast for my father.

“You were home early.” He glances up from reading the paper. It’s two days old since I bring home a newspaper from the restaurant for him each day. “Everything okay?”

“Yes, and how did you know? You were snoring when I checked in on you.”

“Heard voices and music coming from your room and realised you were watching a movie.”

“Sorry, did I disturb you?” I rest an arm on his shoulder and look at his empty bowl with yoghurt smeared on the edges. I smile, knowing he’s trying to become healthy, and his eyesight has improved with the new medication.

“What disturbs me is you coming home early unnecessarily. I thought you were having a fun night out?”

I shrug. “I wanted to come home.”

“You know I’m never going to tell you not to come home because you belong here as much as me. But I am telling you not to come home for me. Pretty girl like you needs to be out having fun on a Saturday night.”

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