Cocky Notes - Leesa Bow Page 0,23

Dad alone. Could count on one hand the nights I never went home.

Part of me wants to explore more, open my heart to Reef, and let go of the fear. Only it’s a symbiotic relationship. The fear holds me back and protects me from giving up my heart.

Chapter Eleven


“What are you frowning at?” Dad asks me.

We’re sitting outside under the big gum tree in the backyard enjoying the last days of November sunshine. I made a healthy banana cake for him to have with his morning tea mentally thinking of ways to hint, I might not come home tonight.

I’m staring at a photograph on an Instagram message. One from Reef. He’s at Lombardi’s. There’s an image of our new casual employee, Sienna.

Are you sick?

Before I respond, he types another message.

Having second thoughts?


I glance up at Dad. “Am I frowning? I didn’t realise.”

“You are, and a lot more lately.”

I type out a response and turn my phone over, so the screen doesn’t distract me.

No. And of course not. It’s my day off.

“So, what’s upsetting you?”

“Nothing,” I say quickly. “The opposite, actually. Now you’re frowning.”

He raises a brow at me. “Who is it?”

I take a sip of tea and endeavour to shut down any tell-tale emotion on my face. “I’m heading out tonight. I wanted to give you the heads up in case—”

“On a date?”

I let out a sigh. “What makes you think it’s a date?”

He gives me a pointed look. “Because you don’t have the same look on your face you get when Georgia texts you to go out.”

“We’re friends for the moment…”

“Bit old for sleepovers.”

“What do you want me to tell you, Dad?”

“I want to hear a guy is doing the right thing by you. Treating you like a lady. Coming here to pick you up, so I get to meet him.”

“You’re kidding me. Who does that anymore? It takes months of seeing someone before I’m ready for you to meet him. Shit, we’re not serious.”

“So, you are friends. Not that serious means you’re not sleeping together. Maybe I should meet him if he’s doing the right thing by you.”

Why does he have this so backward? Sex is easy. What comes after sex is difficult to navigate.

“In my day you dated a girl first before—”

“And look how it turned out for you.”


I close my eyes momentarily. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m sure you were the perfect boyfriend.”

“Turns out I wasn’t, but it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve better.”

I slice more cake to place on his plate while I hone in on the trills and whistles of the parrots in the tree above us. Happy sounds.

We all deserve happiness.

“I like him. It’s early days still, so… I wanted to give you the heads up. I have no idea how the night will pan out. But if you need me to come home at any time, I will. Just call me.”

“I don’t plan on having any beers tonight, love. Don’t worry about me. I want you to go out and enjoy yourself.”

“If you want to have a beer, I can set up a caregiver for a few hours. I’m not heading out until later.”

“No, I’m good. There’s a game on tonight. I’ll be bad company anyway.”

“Who is playing?” I feign interest even though I have no clue about the soccer teams in the A league except for Chance’s team.

“Melbourne and Sydney.”

“Chance’s team. Is he playing?”

Dad lets out a sigh. “Not yet. You want to know the team’s stats?”

I pull a face. “No. Maybe who kicks the goals? For conversation’s sake at work.”

“More to the game than kicking goals.”

“Fine. Fill me in tomorrow.” I take his dirty plate and stand. “Do you like AFL football?”

“I watch it if that’s what you mean. Not my favourite sport.”

“Do you know anything about the Blackbirds’ players?”

“Hard not to when they’re always on the TV and in the newspaper.”

“Some come into work regularly, and I wondered if they were any good at footy?”

Dad looks suspicious, so I shrug.

“Give me names.”

“Um… I know one’s called Reef—”

“Burton? Boy can fly. He has the speed of a cheetah. Who else?”

“I think another’s name is Hunter. As I said, they come in for coffee.”

“Hunter Stone. I reckon they’re grooming him to be the captain one day.”

I shake my head. “You spend too much time in front of the television.”

“Are any of these boys your friend?”

“Maybe.” I smile before leaving him to wash up our dishes.

I head to Reef’s penthouse after dinner. Even though I don’t require a jacket, I Copyright 2016 - 2024