Cocky Notes - Leesa Bow Page 0,20

Macy?” He chuckles. “Looks like the AFL boys were looking out for their mate.”

I pretend it means nothing. The warmth travelling down my spine and pumping through my body is enough for me to panic. No guy has had this effect on me at the mere mention of his name.

Chance reaches an arm toward Zane, and both clash knuckles.

“We’re cool?” Zane confirms.

“Yeah, brother.”

“Is Reef at his apartment?” I ask Chance.

“Yeah. He can’t go far. You heard what happened?” I nod.

“Poor bastard. He’s lucky it wasn’t higher.”

Now I’m thinking how high is his cut from the surfboard. I can’t ask to see it. Dangerous waters because if he lowers his jeans—my mind goes into overdrive, my cheeks warm. “Nice meeting you all.” I shake Chance’s friends’ hands. “Please come back again.”

“Hey, if you’re ever heading to Broken Hill anytime, shoot us a message. We’ll show you around.”

“Cool. I appreciate it. Give me a moment.” I retrieve my phone from my pocket and reactivate Instagram.

Kristin swipes her phone. “What’s your last name?”

“Reynolds.” New friends made. No uncomfortable questions or complications. “Well, I hope to see you guys soon.”

“We’re heading to Broken Hill in a month,” Adele says. “You should come for the trip. Chance and I are flying here from Melbourne, then hiring a car to drive there.”

Her generosity steals my words. I have no idea how to react. I barely know them, and they’re offering a road trip. I’m not sure I can handle being in a car for hours on end with people I barely know if the questions come. Because what else do you do in a car with strangers?

“It’s so kind of you, Adele. I’ll think about it. It might be a case of not getting time off work. And talking of…” I say before they respond, “… I should get back on the job.”

I head out back to the restroom. My thoughts side-tracked by my new friends and missing a certain someone. Before slipping on my apron, I send a message to Reef.

How are you today? Hope the pain is okay. I’m at work and was chatting with Chance and friends and your name come up. Now I’m missing you.

“Do you want to head to the pool?” I ask Dad when I get home from work. With no response from Reef since the message, I need to keep busy. Telling him I was missing him is a big deal for me. A scary big deal! A rehab aquatics class is scheduled for tonight, so I thought Dad could try it, and I could accompany him.

“I don’t have the energy, love. Think I’ll give it a miss.” He lies back in his chair and rests his hands on his stomach.

I stand in front of the television and block his view. “Your physiotherapist suggested it. Take it slow. Only do half of the class, but I think you should start tonight.”

He gives me a pointed look. “Why do you want me to go so desperately? I’m happy how I am. A bit of exercise in water isn’t going to change anything for me.”

“It will improve your health.”


“Dad, please. If the doctors tell you to do something, you should do it. I don’t want to risk anything happening.”

“It won’t, especially now you’ve cut back my beers.”

“What if—”

“No. No what-ifs. I don’t live that way. And you shouldn’t either. I’m doing what makes me happy. No what-ifs about the past. Now stop worrying about me and move aside please, love.”

Sliding into the lounge chair opposite him, I can’t imagine not worrying about my father. I can’t imagine what I’d do if something were to happen, and I lost him—the only person I truly care about. We’re a team, and I have to help him. It’s all I’ve known since I was fifteen, just us two supporting each other so both didn’t fall.

The day will come when one of us tumbles, and the question is, will the other be able to pick up the shattered pieces?

Chapter Ten


If you’re keen on the road trip we mentioned, we could meet at the airport, grab the rental car, and hit the road! I’ll message you next week and see what you think.

It’s an Instagram message from Chance.

Thanks, but I now have to work. Enjoy!

When they asked me, it sounded wonderful. New friends. New places.

Deep down, I’m not as brave as I portrayed. Since I haven’t heard from Reef, I’m uptight, my walls are up, and a road trip would leave me unable to breathe. I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024