Cocky Notes - Leesa Bow Page 0,18

Your order will be out soon.”

Nemo isn’t discussed again.

Clearing their mugs and dirty plates, I don’t even care about their silly game plan on the back of the menu.

The hours passed slowly with Reef not here. Even more so knowing he’s home, in pain.

I swore not to go back there.

He has a groin wound.

I’m on safe ground.

He could use a friend, not a mate to take the piss.

My shift ends, and I drive to the Bay.

“Reef Burton, please,” I say to the receptionist. Argh, even now I’m second-guessing myself as she speaks to him on the phone.

“He wants me to take you up,” she says, sounding put out.

I take the ride in the elevator with Miss Snobby, and she leaves me outside his door. I knock once. Twice.

The door opens, but he doesn’t smile. I walk in and watch Reef hobble back to his chair then elevate his feet.

“Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay?”

I sit beside him. “I heard the guys joking about Nemo.”

He groans. “Bastards.”

“Put two and two together and thought you could use a friend.”

His eyes meet mine. “Is that what we are?”

“For now,” I whisper.

He nods. “I’m not much fun to be around. The drugs might knock me out. Just so you know it’s not you.”

I laugh. “You wouldn’t be sleeping if I had my way…”

He smiles. “Sorry, Mace. I’m out of action.”

“I know. It’s why I’m here.” I shrug. “Safe ground. Thought we could take it slow and start over.”

Reef reaches for my hand and rubs a thumb over my knuckles. “Do you like sports?” He drives the remote with his free hand.

“Nope. I prefer horror.”


I nod. “It’s my thing.”


“You didn’t take me for the romance type, or rom-com?”

“No. Weird because horror is my go-to.”

Something we have in common. That shouldn’t make me feel so good, and yet it does. We oddly agree on the same movie, and while it loads, I sneak into the kitchen to call Dad. “Everything okay?” I whisper.

“Yeah, love.”

“I’m catching a movie with a friend. I’ll see you when I get home.”

“Sure. I thought I might catch the cricket replay streamed from the UK. I’ll be fine. I’ll warm up some leftovers.”

“Okay. Call me if you need me to come home.”

I pad into the lounge as the intro music of It rolls onto the screen.

“Need me to hold your hand?”

I snort. “Got any red balloons?”

He chuckles. “Thanks for taking my mind off the pain.”

“Hey, I’m thankful it missed your sack.”

He flinches, and his expression changes. I’m not sure what sparked his sour expression. I thought these guys thought about sex twenty-four-seven. “We have unfinished business, remember?” I’m flirting and enjoying it.

“Damn right. I’m getting a raincheck just so you know.” He grins. It’s subtle, and enough for me to relax. I’m starting to understand him better. Aware he is a man of few words, and maybe it’s why he gives out the shy vibe. A contrast to his mate, Chance. He’s content to sit beside me in silence, our fingers close but not touching.

I lean into the cushioned lounge, stretch out until my hand lands on his. He interlocks our fingers without taking his eyes from the screen.

Now I’m smiling, and it’s not subtle.

Chapter Nine


“Macy, sweet cheeks.” The words roll off Chance’s tongue as he enters the restaurant just after nine. I can’t help but smile at those dimples.

“We have your table reserved by the window for six. Do you need more chairs?” I ask, noting the six AFL players standing behind Chance.

“Nope. Those guys have their own table. I’ll catch up with them later tonight.” He steps aside and introduces me to his sister, Adele, and their friends Zane, Steele, and Kristin. “Adele and I met these guys years ago as kids when Dad took us camping to a station outside Broken Hill.”

“Right. Welcome to Lombardi’s.” I hand out menus and leave them to reconnect.

After seating the footballers, I overhear mullet guy make a comment about Nemo. “No training until next month, and then he’s heading home for Christmas.”


I fumble with the iPad. Somehow, I’d forgotten he’d have his own family somewhere. Another life.


Between filling the front fridges with gourmet cakes on display and taking orders, I’m running between the kitchen and dining area.

“Are you ready for another round of coffee? Lunch?” Chance and his friends have stayed long enough for one meal to blend into the other. “I’m going on break, so I thought I’d get your order in before Tara relieves me.”

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