Cocky Notes - Leesa Bow Page 0,12

to I is a no brainer.

C to K is a loser.

You thought I was 3.

Turns out the ‘loser’ was 2 and 3.

I read all the letters of 2 and 3 and chuckle to myself.

For kicks, I circle number 1 with an arrow and write his name. I’m smiling until the door swings open, and he’s standing there with his hand out. “May I?”

“Were you watching me?” I hand it over.

He glances at the menu and smiles. “Maybe.”

Whether it being because he didn’t push me further, or say anything about my response, my chest flutters watching his sexy arse disappear out the door.

This guy might understand me.

He’s trying, and he makes me feel worthy.

Maybe we could go for round two?

“Unfinished business,” I whisper.

After work, I head directly to the hospital after receiving a message that Dad’s ready to be discharged. I started work early and missed the doctor’s morning round, so I’m relieved Dad is well enough to come home.

When I enter the ward, he’s sitting on the side of the bed, strapping his prosthetic leg to his stump. His bag is packed and perched on the covers beside him.

“Hey.” I hug him. “You have your crutches. You don’t have to wear it if it bothers you.”

“I want to walk out of here,” he says as though trying to prove something. It distracts me for a moment because Dad has never been one to prove anything. You take him as he is. A what-you-see- is-what-you-get type of guy.

“Okay, then.” I take his crutches in one hand and his small case in the other and walk close by his side toward the nurses’ station. “Do we need to sign anything before Dad leaves?”

The nurse with her hair pulled tightly back in a ponytail glances up from her paperwork. “The doctor has given Mr Reynolds permission to be discharged as long as he continues with his new medications and has follow-up appointments in Outpatients. He has sent the referrals on, and you’ll be notified of the next appointment.”

“Which will be?”

“When one comes available. If the wait is too long, then you have the option of seeing a doctor privately and still being treated in the public system.”

“Privately? How much will it cost?”

“Macy, it’s fine,” Dad says, placing a hand on my shoulder. “It’s not urgent.”

“Doctors’ rates differ. And if you require any scans before then, you’ll need to cover those.”

I step back knowing the pile of bills on the kitchen bench require payment. And we have to fill a pharmacy script. “I’ll talk to my father at home and discuss it,” I add, not wanting to dismiss the idea completely.

“Did the doctor give you your results on paper or just tell you?” I ask once we’re in the privacy of the car.

“Told me, and there’s nothing for you to worry about, love.”

I do worry. He knows it, and hiding matters from me only makes it worse. Memories of my mother leaving us, and him trying to hide the fact she didn’t care for us enough to stay as the reason. He made excuses for her. Blamed his trucking injury, which pushed her over the edge. Only I knew of the affairs long before him.

“What is your new medication for? And don’t lie as I can Google the drug.”

“My glaucoma. New eye drops. Now I have blood pressure tablets and some for my cholesterol. They said I have to watch my diet and cut back on the drinking.” He stares out the window rather than looking at me. “I told them I don’t even drink much.”

“You drink most days,” I remind him. “And not just one. I’m not going to stop you because I know you enjoy it, but we cut back the number of days and stick to one.”

He gives me a pointed look.

“As I said, I’m not going to stop you. But I can look at cutting back on some unhealthy foods. Change the butter to a healthier type. Skim milk. Less cheese.”

“May as well take my other leg,” he mutters.

“It’s not all bad, Dad.” Nothing gets Dad down like this. Unless he’s hiding something. But what could it be? I glance sideways at Dad, half the size he was ten years ago. His eyes are glassy. The last time he cried was when Mum left us. Knowing his limitations, I won’t push him today. I want to go home and spend some quality time with him.

Just the two of us.

On Thursday, a few of Reef’s other teammates come in to get Copyright 2016 - 2024