Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,92

and I feel his heavy cock hardening against my thigh. He slips his hand down between us and within moments, he’s sliding back into me for the third time tonight.

He starts to move and my eyes roll to the back of my head. How is it possible for him to hit it so good every damn time?

Colton thrusts up into me and just as his hands lace through mine, a loud alarm tears through the mansion. His body stiffens and fear shines through his eyes. “Fuck,” he rushes out, tearing out of me and flying off the bed. “Get dressed.”

“What?” I demand, calling over the noise as I sit up on the edge of the bed, feeling panic begin to rise within me, but why? “What’s going on?”

Colton rushes into his closet and returns a second later, tossing a shirt and sweatpants at my chest while quickly pulling on clothes of his own.

“Colton?” I demand, stepping into the sweatpants.

He rushes over to me and practically shoves my head through the shirt before grabbing my hand and hauling ass out of his bedroom. “Colton,” I yell. “What the fuck is going on?”

He looks back at me and the panic in his eyes is so much more. It’s not just fear but absolute terror and coming from a guy who so fearlessly stood up against my crew, that’s a big fucking call. “We have to get to the panic room.”

“Panic room?” I shriek. “What for? What’s going on?”

He shakes his head, his jaw clenching. “I don’t know, but my guess is the DeCarlo family is sick of waiting.”


He cringes, still pulling me along. “I sorta told Vincent DeCarlo where the fuck he could stick his shitty offer, and possibly insinuated that he could go and fuck his own mother in the process.”

My eyes bug out of my head. I don’t know these people but I know gang leaders and I’m assuming they all work the same. “You disrespected his fucking mother? Are you insane? Do you have a fucking death wish? He’s out for blood.”

“Just … I know. Okay, I know. It was fucking stupid but you had the shits with me. Jacqueline was trying to do me fucking dirty, and I just snapped. It wasn’t my finest moment.”

I pull back on his hand, desperate to bring him to a stop, really not giving a shit about his explanation. “My mom is out there somewhere. Harrison and Maryne too. We can’t just leave them.”

He pulls back, practically dragging me along the hallway. “They’ll be okay. They have emergency procedures in place for attacks. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Please, Jade. Just let me get you to safety.”

Procedures? What procedures? I’ve been here for over a month and this is the first I’m hearing about it, and I can guarantee that if Mom knew something about a procedure that was put in place to keep me safe, she would have told me at the first chance she got.

She doesn’t know anything about this.

“No,” I scream, hearing a loud banging noise from downstairs, so loud that I hear it perfectly over the alarm. “I have to find her. I have to know she’s okay.”

Colton groans and as he looks back at me, I see nothing but regret. I try to pull away, knowing exactly what I’m seeing in his eyes because it’s the same thing that’s looked back at me from my four boys anytime shit went down in Breakers Flats.

My hand is pulled free of his and I take off at a sprint, desperate to find my mom and get her away. When shit goes down, we never leave someone behind. That's just the way it is. That's just what being family means.

Colton’s steel grip crushes around me and I’m lifted off the ground. He throws me over his shoulder and I desperately try to get free. “I have to get to my mom,” I scream with tears rolling down my cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” he says, running through the hall, the alarm so deafening that I hardly hear myself think. “Please forgive me.”

Colton runs into a room upstairs that I’ve never been in before and steps in front of a huge family portrait. There’s a keypad on the golden frame and he hashes in a code. The whole wall sinks back, making a door and he rushes into a hidden room before pressing another button and the heavy door slides closed.

“No,” I cry, kicking until he lets me down. Copyright 2016 - 2024