Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,81

Colton. Go find some other pathetic bitch to torture.”


“Stop,” I snap, turning on him and dropping the bag of trash at my feet. “I’m not your little chew toy that you get to fuck around with whenever you want. I told you to hurt me. I gave you exactly what you needed but last night, that was different. That was your pride getting in the way and I’m not about to sit back and allow you or any other fucker in this town make me feel ashamed of who I am or where I come from. You got that, Carrington?”

His eyes tighten and it’s like watching that same familiar wall sliding back into place as he tries to work out what the fuck is going on inside his chest. “You done?” he questions, bringing back the version of himself that I thought we’d already worked past. “I don’t give a shit about your little sob story. When will you be finished with this room? I’m expecting guests.”

I raise a brow while looking at him, my glare sharper than glass. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I demand, wondering what the hell happened to the kindhearted boy who sat across from me at my dinner table the other night and told my mother that I was the most breathtaking thing he’s ever seen and then went on to say that he wasn’t in love with me … not yet. I threw grapes at him while we got to know each other better and it was perfect, honestly one of the best nights of my life. How does it go downhill so damn fast?

“Does it look like I’m kidding?”

Anger pulses through my veins and after the bullshit with Jude’s mom earlier, my patience snaps. I grab the trash bag from my feet and storm into the kitchen. “Fuck you,” I growl, slamming the trash bag into his chest. “Fuck you to the deepest pits of hell. Clean up the goddamn room yourself.”

I don’t say another word as he stares at me in shock. I doubt anyone who has ever worked for the Carrington’s has ever spoken to them like that, but if he wants to keep going with this bullshit, then he’s going to have to get used to it.

I walk out of the kitchen with his heated eyes on my back, not even caring if he was to fire me right now. If that's what he wants, then he can go right ahead. There’s more than enough rich pricks living in Bellevue Springs. I’m sure one of them can be convinced to hire the broken girl from Breakers Flats.

I get to the door when Harrison comes barging in from the other side, momentarily forcing me to put a hold in my dramatic storm off. He briefly looks between me and Colton and I watch the very second he realizes that I’ve just said something that I probably shouldn’t have. His eyes narrow to slits but before he can say anything, I’m out the door, more than ready to get out of here.

“What is it?” I hear Colton’s voice trailing from the kitchen behind me.

“Sir,” Harrison says. “I have Vincent DeCarlo on the phone for you. He’d like to make you an offer.”

“Fuck,” Colton sighs, his voice growing more distant by the second. “I’ll take it in the office.”

Chapter 18

“Oceania Munroe,” I hear my name hollered through my English classroom.

My eyes snap up from the worksheet on my desk to find Mrs. Matthews’ harsh stare on me, sending nerves pulsing through my veins. Her hand hovers over the phone on her desk and dread settles heavily into my gut. What did I do? I swear I haven’t called anyone a rude bitch all day. The only time my name has ever been called out by a teacher holding a phone was when I was about to get my ass handed to me.

“Umm … yes?”

“You’re ten minutes late for your scheduled appointment with the guidance counselor. Why are you still sitting in my classroom?”

My gaze flicks across to Jess who sits beside me before landing back on Mrs. Matthews’. “I’m sorry. Who? I didn’t schedule an appointment.”

“It is compulsory and you are currently giving yourself a bad name. Now hurry up and attend your appointment before you’re forced to reschedule and miss more class time.”

“Yeah, okay,” I say, pushing up from my chair and grabbing my things. I look back at Jess. “What’s this about?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “You can never be Copyright 2016 - 2024