Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,75

going to do it, did you?”

“I have to admit,” I tell her, a grin stretching wide across my face. “I thought you were going to chicken out.”

She shakes her head. “Not me, baby. I’m the fucking man around here. You better watch out, I know you’re a bad bitch, but baby, I just got badder.”

“I don’t even think that makes sense.”

I roll my eyes as she grabs her empty shot glass and gets busy refilling it. “I don’t care,” she tells me. “All that matters is that you just stepped up the game and I’m meeting you there. Ain’t no more bullshit challenges for you.”

Damn it. I should have known she was going to throw it back at me.

“What do I have to do?”

Her eyes scan around the room and stop on Colton. My stomach sinks as I follow her gaze and find his eyes already on mine, narrowed and clearly aware that whatever we’re doing has something to do with him. “See that lap of his?” she questions, looking at me as though I’m a chicken shit. “It looks very lonely. I bet he could use a dance.”

I meet Hendrix’s eyes. “You want me to give Colton Carrington a lap dance in the middle of a fucking party?”

She shrugs. “I mean … you could always take another shot.”

I look back at Colton and his gaze is like two hazel pits that have me drowning with need. “Fine,” I say, grabbing the shot and taking it anyway.

Hendrix laughs as though she just won this round, but when I jump down from the marble counter and start making my way around it she calls out after me. “That’s not how the game works.”

I turn back to her but keep walking toward my target. “You think I’m about to skip out on a chance at getting wasted and rubbing my coochie all over Colton Carrington? I don’t fucking think so, babe.”

She shrugs her shoulder while howling out a laugh. “It’s your funeral,” she tells me, spinning around on the marble counter so she can watch the show without having to crane her neck.

I turn back to Colton, seeing him clearly through the throng of people, and as I grow closer my eyes become hooded. I don't know what it is about this man, but the more time I spend with him, the more attractive he becomes. He’s like my kryptonite. I’m the moth and he’s the flame.

The closer I get, the more suspicious he becomes, but when I start unbuttoning my shirt, he grows wary. I let the fabric slide down my arms and watch as hunger flashes through his eyes. Colton licks his lips, liking what he sees as I stride toward him in my black string bikini top, wanting it more than maybe even I do.

I step up before him and slip in between his legs, feeling like an absolute goddess as his fingers twitch with the need to touch me. “What do you think you are doing?” he questions, his tone low and cold as if someone had flipped a switch.

My brows furrow. “What do you mean?”

A wall slams down behind his eyes and it instantly puts me on edge, especially as he watches me like a child who’s about to break.

A silence settles between us and it’s as if he’s willing me to figure it out so he doesn’t have to be the one to say the words.

What the hell is his problem? He’s been more than happy to have my body rubbing all over his since the moment I arrived in Bellevue Springs. What’s the difference between those times and now? He was more than into it when we were standing in the library.

It hits me like a fucking wrecking ball. The people. He’s more than happy to have me in private, but he’s too ashamed to be seen with the help in front of his rich friends.

That fucking bastard.

Everything inside of me shatters. How could I have been so stupid?

I pull back from him and stare into his eyes as every little fiber within me breaks. “So, I’m just going to be your dirty little secret then?”

“Come on, Jade. It’s not like that,” he says, sitting up so he can get a bit closer.

“Oh, really?” I grunt, watching as his eyes harden, realizing that I hit the nail on the head. “Then please tell me what it’s like because I’m fucking dying to know.”

Colton stands and looks down at me as a frustrated groan pulls from Copyright 2016 - 2024