Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,54

to birth you just to get you out.”

Colton’s face twists with discomfort as Charlie pulls back. “That bad, huh?”

“That freaking bad.”

“Damn. You’re not even a little excited?”

I wave my hand around my face. “Do I look excited?”

Colton grins. “Who would know? Are you even capable of getting a smile past that resting bitch face of yours?”

I pick up a notepad and launch it across his office, scowling as he catches it with a laugh. “Why don’t you try being a decent human being and we’ll see?”

His eyes sparkle with the challenge but I’d be a fool to assume he’s just going to miraculously learn how to become a decent person overnight. Though, I know he’s pretty good at pretending.

“Well,” Charlie says, his eyes focusing on my new uniform. “If it counts for anything, you look fucking hot. All you need is a lollipop and your hair in pigtails and you’ll look like one of the girls from those sexy schoolgirl porns.”

My glare sharpens on him. “You did not just tell me that I look like a fucking whore.”

His eyes bug out of his head as he looks back at me. “No. I didn’t, at least, I don’t think I did.”

Colton laughs, watching as his friend grows more uncomfortable by the second. “Ahh, yeah. You kinda did.”

“Fuck, babe. I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to say that you look good.”

“Yeah, yeah. We get your point,” Colton says, clearly having enough of hearing what his friend thinks about me in uniform, though watching the jealousy creep into his eyes is a little entertaining. I could push the matter but I don’t exactly want to start another war while things are just starting to get good.

“What are you doing here anyway? I didn’t realize that you knew the clock started before 9 am.”

Charlie looks across at Colton. “Thought I’d just check in and remind this bastard that at some point, he’s going to have to actually turn up at school. Can’t be a fucking CEO if you can’t finish high school. I doubt those board members are going to put up with him long if he doesn’t even look like he’s attempting to get a college degree.”

My brow arches as I meet Colton’s eyes only to find him mere seconds away from telling Charlie to fuck off. “It’s fine, bro, but stop acting as though you’re here checking up on my well-being when it’s damn clear that you’re hoping to give Jade a ride to school.”

Charlie has the audacity to actually look bashful and the fire that burns in Coltons eyes is nearly enough to have Charlie dead on the spot. He looks at me with a grin. “I mean, he’s not wrong.”

“You realize that Milo picks me up every day, right?”


I nod and Charlie quickly pulls out his phone, presses a few buttons, and puts it to his ear. “Yo, Milo,” he says a moment later. “I’ve got Ocean today.” There’s a short pause before he says a quick goodbye and turns back to me. “Looks like you’ll be needing that ride after all.”

“So, you’re just assuming that I’m going to allow pricks like yourselves to make decisions on my behalf? What if I wanted to walk today? What if I have an aversion to cherry red Ferraris? What if I don’t want some guy dropping me off at my new school just so he can shake his dick in front of the whole female student body?”

Charlie’s eyes glisten with laughter. “What if I just wanted to shake my dick in front of you?”

The need to look at Colton shoots through me but I resist. “Then I’d be under a moral obligation to say been there, done that.”

Charlie’s face falls. “No. Don’t wound me like that.”

“Alright,” Colton says, sitting up in his chair. “Get the fuck out of here before your bullshit chatter makes her late for school.”

Charlie laughs. “You suddenly care if she makes it to school on time?” Colton’s eyes flash to mine and this time, Charlie doesn’t miss a thing. “Wait. You do care,” he says, looking between us both. “There’s something … what’s going on here? How are you two sitting in the same room without blood splattered over the wall? Did something happen? Is something going on between you two?”

I scoff as Colton laughs. “In her fucking dreams.”

I glare at Colton and this time it’s as real as it comes. “Speak for yourself. You’re the one who’s had a boner for me since Copyright 2016 - 2024