Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,32

Charles dressed in his best suit which was then going to be kept for Colton as a keepsake. That won’t happen now and the fact that his mother was the one to take that away from him really pisses me off.

Everyone has always said how Laurelle was the nice one, the woman who was all about her children, making memories, and having a good time, but I don’t see it. I’m not even going to pretend that I knew what it was like when they were living as a family. I’m sure it would have been awful and I’m damn sure that Charles would have been a terrible husband, but what she did today tells me that there’s so much more about Laurelle Carrington that we’re all missing. Something much darker than anyone could have anticipated.

Once all the guests were safely outside, it became a waiting game.

Milo stuck by my side as Nic called the boys to come and chill. I have to admit, I've been to a few funerals in my time. Living in Breakers Flats, there’s a high chance that you’ll lose a friend before your fifteenth birthday. I’ve seen every different kind of funeral you can see, but today, that shit was all new.

Colton finally came out of the church and told everybody that the party at the mansion was still going ahead and that everybody should head on over there early and grab a few drinks. He was factual and emotionless, straight to the point, and clearly in way over his head. But just as I knew they would, people listened.

I don’t know what it is about these Carrington men, but when they speak, people move. It would be nice to have that kind of power.

A champagne flute is pushed into my hand and I look up to find Sebastian grinning back at me. “You look like you could use a drink.”

“Thanks,” I tell him, noticing the way he looks so damn awkward inside this mansion. “But you look like you could use one more.”

“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” he grumbles as Eli grunts his agreement beside me.

I’m not going to lie, watching these four boys walk inside of the Carrington mansion was kinda comical. It’s not something any of us thought would ever happen. Hell, I’m still shocked by the fact that I walk through here every day.

We lost Kairo twenty minutes ago and if I had to guess, I’d say he was upstairs somewhere, checking through the bedrooms and hoping to find a pile of cash lying around. He might find something that can be easily slipped into his pockets and pawned the moment he gets back to Breakers Flats, but cash? I don’t know. I haven’t come across a massive safe yet and seeing cash lying around isn’t something the Carrington’s like to do. After all, they didn’t end up billionaires by giving everything away.

Nic steps into my side and slides his hand around my waist. “Are you good?” he murmurs, leaning his face into my neck so I feel his breath upon my skin.

I give him a warm smile and lean into his side. “Yeah,” I tell him. “I’m fine, just still reeling from that service. I can’t believe momma Carrington set him on fire.”

“Right?” Milo laughs. “That was fucking insane. I still can’t believe it. Laurelle is such a bad fucking bitch.”

I roll my eyes as I look at Milo. He's had a lady crush ever since Laurelle showed up to the funeral fashionably late and made her entrance in ridiculous stilettos, not giving a damn what anyone thought of her.

Sebastian sighs, shaking his head in devastation. “I can’t believe I missed that shit,” he says. “I would have paid to see one of these hoity-toity bitches finally snap.”

Milo’s eyes sparkle with excitement. “Trust me, man. It was so fucking worth it.”

Someone slams into my shoulder, sending my champagne flute flying out of my hands. I screech as the expensive glass goes toppling while Eli does his best to catch it but in doing that, gets covered from head to toe in champagne.

How is it that whenever there’s a party in this damn mansion, bullshit always goes down?

Sharp laughter has my head whipping around to the dumb bitch who couldn’t possibly watch where she was going. I find the twins, looking down at me and scrunching their faces at my boys. It’s impossible to tell which one did it but I honestly don’t care. I bet these are the type of Copyright 2016 - 2024