Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,142

twins grin as they watch their mother roast me and I shamefully nod my head, wishing to be anywhere but here. “Yes, that is clear.”

“Good and while we’re at it, you do not address my son by his given name. He is Mr. Carrington to you, nothing more and nothing less.”

I raise a brow and decide that if I allow her to walk all over me now that I’ll be setting a standard that I simply won’t accept, and God fucking knows that Colton isn’t going to accept it either. I suck up my pussy attitude and raise my chin. “That’s more than fine,” I say with a sickly-sweet smile before taking a step toward them and watching as the three of them grow wary, the twins clearly remembering exactly what I’m made of. “And what shall I call him when we’re fucking? Cause he kinda likes it when I scream his name.”

Laurelle sucks in an appalled gasp as the twins mimic her shocked tone. “Oh, shit,” I say with a cringe, sarcastically placing my hand over my mouth and sucking in a gasp of my own. “I think I cracked my halo.”

Laurelle steps into me and I watch as her hands begin to shake with rage. “You better start packing your things, missy. I’m going to have you out of here so damn fast.”

The twins snicker behind her as my lips pull up into a wicked grin. Maybe the twins weren’t quite forthcoming enough when recapping their stories to their mother. I don’t take kindly to threats. “You see, that’s just the thing,” I tell her. “I may be ‘the help’ but I’m also your son’s girlfriend and seeing as though he owns this property, I guess that kinda makes me the lady of this house. So I guess you’re the one who's going to have to watch herself.”

“You don’t want to start a war with me, young lady.”

“Oh, you see. I think I really do. You’re a crazy bitch who lit her ex-husband on fire and you’re also the bitch who walked out of her son’s life. You didn’t even stay for him after his father died,” I look over her shoulder at her daughters. “None of you did. You all stuck around long enough to see what you could get your hands on. You’re all greedy bitches and the only reason you’re here now is to try and sink your nails into Colton, but guess what? It won’t work.”

Laurelle grins at me, her white stiletto heels making her tower over me. “Oh, really?” she says. “Have you ever met a man who wouldn’t move heaven and earth for his mother? Colton is hurting. He’s still emotional from losing his father and what he needs right now is his mother and trust me when I say, it will only take a click of my fingers to convince him to be through with you. My son is a Carrington. He will not stain the family reputation by being with someone as lowly as you. This is a phase and he will be moving on. Carrington’s don’t associate themselves with trash.”

With that, she steps away and heads for the grand staircase as the twins continue to stare at me. “Now,” she says, looking back over her shoulder and indicating to the massive pile of suitcases. “Be a darling and deliver our belongings to our rooms. I expect dinner at seven and a glass of Moet from Charles' personal cellar.”

She disappears up the stairs and I feel the rage beginning to burn through my veins but bitch one and bitch two aren’t quite finished yet. “Listen here,” the braver of the two says, making me think it must be Cora, considering our past run-ins. “Things are going to change around here. You’re not the fucking princess of the mansion anymore. Bellevue Springs is our town and as of now, we’re taking it back.”

“Mom’s right,” the other says, stepping into me. “You’re done. Especially after the bullshit you pulled at father’s party. We’re taking the mansion, we’re taking the girls, and we’re taking the fucking school. We’re going to make your life a living hell and only once you think you can’t possibly take it any longer, we’re going to destroy you.”

“You can forget about Colton and you can forget about Bellevue Springs,” the bitchier of the two states. “You’re going back to where you came from, slumming it with the other trash. Now, if you don’t mind,” she continues, slapping on Copyright 2016 - 2024