Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,134

by with a food platter and steals my attention.

“Come on,” he says. “Let’s get you fed and then I have to sweet talk Milo’s dad into signing a new contract that will make him an extremely wealthy man.”

“Isn’t he already a very wealthy man?”

“He is, but this is …”

“Next level?”


I push up onto my toes and brush my lips over his. “Then what are you waiting for? I can take care of myself. Go and show them who’s boss.”

Colton grins wide and within seconds of his arms falling from around my waist, Charlie and Spencer are at my back, ready to pour shot after shot down my throat and truly welcome me into their group.

Chapter 30

The chandeliers rattle above as the party rages into the early hours of the morning. Colton dominated with every single contact he could get his hands on and somehow managed to get a shitload more business in the process so I think it’s safe to say that the party has been an absolute success. At least, I know Mom would agree seeing as though she spent a good portion of her night dancing with Hendrix’s father and drinking more than she has in years.

I couldn’t stop watching her. Seeing her being so carefree was refreshing, though I don’t know how she’s going to feel in the morning. I don’t think she’s even had a sip of alcohol in years so I’m sure she’s going to wake up with a killer hangover. I might be the one on bacon and eggs duty tomorrow.

Most of the older people have gone leaving only the spirited ones here to party with us, and by spirited, what I mean are people like Milo who have stripped off most of their clothes and are running around the party in nothing but a 1920’s hat, suit pants, and suspenders. He looks insane but the smile on his face is infectious.

The old jazz music has been swapped out for something we can all get down to and it pulses through the mansion, rattling the chandeliers and sending vibrations through the floor to ceiling windows.

A lot of the girls from school are here and mixing with all the guys I knew from BSA. It is honestly the best night of my life. I’ve never enjoyed myself like this and felt so damn welcome. Since the second his last business contact walked out the door with his drunk wife, Colton hasn’t moved from my side and he’s made sure to show me the best damn time of my life while constantly flashing me that perfect smile that has everything inside of me melting.

I’m a fucking goner where this guy is concerned. If I’m not careful, he’s going to drown me in a world that I don’t belong in and I may never find my way out, but then a part of me doesn’t want to get out. I want to stay right here and drown in his love, succumb to his touches, and falter under his deep words.

Spencer steps into my side and hands me another shot glass. “Do you think you could handle another?”

I grin up at him and take the shot from his hand as Colton murmurs something about tonight being a messy night. “Please, do you even know who you’re talking to? My bra matches my panties. That is not a trait of a woman who can’t handle her liquor.”

Spencer smiles wide and holds out his own shot. “Then what are you waiting for?”

Our glasses clink in the middle and just as the cool liquid burns down my throat, Charlie comes running in with a shot of his own. “Me too, me too, me too.” He throws his shot back and the movement has him tripping over his own damn feet and slamming hard against Spencer.

The two of them go down like a sack of shit and I hold onto my stomach as I howl with uncontrollable laughter.

Colton shakes his head, probably thinking about which couch to let them crash on and how much of a hassle it’s going to be when they inevitably hurl all over it, but either way, he lets them go, not one to ruin their fun.

Milo comes bounding back into our circle and slips an arm around my waist before literally picking me up and removing me from Colton’s side. “Come on, bitch. We’re dancing.”

Well, who the hell am I to say no? Though, I have to admit, I’m surprised these guys haven’t figured out that Milo’s Copyright 2016 - 2024