Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,132

my back when it came to telling me about my father? Did their words not matter then? Because they sure as hell mattered to me. I trusted them to always be truthful and right now, I don’t know if their betrayal stings more than learning my father was the best hitman this country had ever seen, and not only that, that he did it for sport, not because he was good at it.

My father was a cold-blooded murderer just like Nic. I’m sure dad would have been proud to learn that I’d been spending all my time with a man who was just like him. Lucky me. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to be out of Breakers Flats.

Bellevue Springs still isn’t my home, not by a long shot, but at least it’s away from them, away from the horrors I’ve left behind. I truly have a chance to start over, even if I never get into college or find a proper job, I’m confident that I’ll never move back there. I’ll find a way to make it on my own.

Apart from avoiding the boys, I finally got a real chance to settle in at school and properly get to know some of the girls there and to be honest, they’re starting to change my perspective on bitchy high-school chicks. They’re not all bad, but don’t get me wrong, some of them are just plain awful. I've had to learn to give them a chance before instantly judging them based solely on the fact that they’re female.

I spent Tuesday with Miss Davies in her office, filling out a million college applications and crossing my fingers that they’ll be accepted. Every single one of them were past the submission deadline so there’s a good chance that I won’t get it, but I can always hope.

Colton’s application for distance learning was accepted within the space of two hours so he was able to fall into his own routine while keeping up on his studies and also kicking ass in the office. I’m not going to lie, it also opened up a little extra time for him to spend with me and I feel as though every extra second spent with him was well worth it.

He's capturing me in a way that Nic never did and it kills me to admit that I always thought Nic was the real deal, but I was blinded. Colton has my full attention and for once in my life, I’m wanting to better myself, I’m wanting a future and not just assuming that I’ll have Nic to catch me when I fall.

Colton is so much more than that. He encourages me to stand on my own two feet and while he’s more than happy to hand over a credit card and make all my problems disappear, he’s also the first person to push me to make the change for myself. What more could a girl need? The fact that he does it with a sexy as sin grin on his face is just the added bonus.

I always knew climbing into bed with Colton Carrington was going to be a dangerous game, I just never knew how dangerous it could be. Not only am I at risk of letting someone in, my heart is at risk of being torn to shreds. He's reeled me in and now I’m terrified that he might let me go. I never intended on giving him that power, but day by day and smile by smile, he unintentionally takes it, leaving me wide open and more vulnerable than I’ve ever been before.

Is this what it feels like when you’re falling in love? It didn’t feel like this with Nic. I still clung tightly to my power with him, but with Colton … I don’t know. This just feels like something so much more—something massive ... something astronomical.

It’s as though we’ve finally moved past all the bullshit and now have this chance to actually start living our lives and what better way to celebrate than having an epic party?

Mom starts pulling me toward the backdoor but I lead her around the house. I cut through the backdoor when going to the first black and white party and I’ve always regretted it. There’s just something so incredibly magical about walking through the front and being welcomed in as a valued guest and having your name marked off. When I snuck through the back, it felt like I was some delinquent teenager slipping into Copyright 2016 - 2024