Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,128

to know that I’m alright this morning. I ignore them all, especially the ones from Nic. Hell, I don’t even open them and read over it, just simply hit delete.

There are calls from them as well but a few of them are from Milo and Charlie from this morning, probably checking in. Then there’s messenger which is a whole bunch of shit from Hendrix and Jess, filling me in on last night's party that was so incredible that I should have been there. If only they knew what I was actually doing.

The boys talk among themselves as I get busy texting the girls and allow them to fill me in on the details of their night. I honestly don’t give a shit about the party but with my mind continuously jumping back to last night and the way Nic’s knife so effortlessly sliced across their necks, I’d do anything to keep myself distracted.

We hang out for hours and it’s not until the sun is starting to set that my Mom walks in with at least six boxes of pizza. “I figured you guys hadn’t got around to feeding yourselves yet,” she says, looking me up and down, the same way she always does when I don’t come home at night. “What on earth happened to your head?”

My head? Oh, fuck. The lump. I’d forgotten all about that.

“Shit,” Spencer laughs, giving my mom an appreciative smile. “I take my hat off to you, Mrs. Munroe. I’ve been staring at her head since I first walked through the door but was too chicken shit to come right out and ask. I was hoping an explanation would just get thrown around in conversation.”

Mom rolls her eyes. ‘“You’ll do well to learn with Ocean, she doesn’t just give up information willingly. You have to pry it out of her hands and hope you get the full story.”

Colton scoffs beside me. “Ain’t that the fucking truth.”

“Oceania,” my mother warns, realizing that I’m more than happy to let the boys take over and lead the conversation away from my head and to my bad attitude. “Three seconds. Don’t make me whoop your ass in front of your friends.”

I groan and sit up straight on the couch while meeting Mom’s eyes. “You’re going to be mad.”

“Ocean. Now.”

I let out a heavy sigh and try to work out the best way to say this before deciding that getting straight to the point is probably my best option. “I sorta stepped right into the middle of the Widows and Wolves gang war and nearly got shot in the drive-by that killed Kian last night.”

Charlie shoots to his feet as Mom gapes. “THE FUCK?”

I cringe but keep my attention on Mom, knowing that she’s preparing herself for something. “Oceania Elaine Munroe. How many times do I need to ask you to distance yourself from those boys and now this? I forbid you from going back there. Do you hear me? Those boys have been nothing but trouble since the day they stepped into our lives.”

“Mom … I know. I told them that I was done.”

She goes to continue ranting and has to physically stop herself before looking back at me. “What?” she demands, confused by my willingness to accept her limits.

“They crossed the line. They’ve been lying to me all this time and so I told them I was done.” My eyes drop to my hands as I feel that familiar ache starting to creep back up.

Milo’s broken gasp from across the room draws my attention and I glance up at him to find his heart on his sleeve. Out of all the guys here, he’s the one who really got to see the dynamics within my crew and knows just how hard that decision would have been for me to make. He gives me a tight smile while sending a silent promise that we’ll cry this out with a bottle of wine until it’s completely out of my system.

Mom lets out a shaky breath, trying to calm herself before glancing around at the group of guys in the room. She looks back to me with a relieved smile. “I’m sorry you had to go through all of that, sweety, but I think you’ll find you’ll be much happier here with these guys. They’re not so … tough.”

All four of the guys fly to their feet, Charlie being the first to comment. “Tough?” he demands. “We can be tough. We’re the toughest mother-fuckers around.”

Spencer instantly starts flexing. “Maybe you haven’t Copyright 2016 - 2024