Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,126

this yet for some reason, I can’t help myself. “Your Ferrari might have been parked out on the road and possibly has a few small … holes on the side.”

“A few small holes?” he questions.

“Yeah,” I say, holding back a laugh. “I take it bullet holes aren’t a typical thing around here?”

He shakes his head, his eyes dancing with laughter. “No, Jade. Not even close.”

Chapter 28

A throat clears and my eyes spring open to find myself wrapped securely in Colton’s arms with Charlie, Spencer, and Milo staring down at us.

“Well, fuck,” Colton mutters beside me as I pull one of those fugly just woke up morning faces that should have Colton, Charlie, and Nic all reconsidering where they put their interest.

The thought of Nic has a shot of pain storming through to my chest but thankfully I don’t get a moment to think on it before Charlie’s jealousy cuts through the room. “So, uhhh… is this a thing now or were you two just up late, reminding each other how much you hate the other’s guts and then accidentally fell asleep … with all your clothes on?”

Shit. It seems like a lifetime ago that Charlie declared he wanted to pursue something with me, but in reality, it’s only been two weeks. How is it possible that so much has happened since then?

In the past two weeks, I’ve seen five dead bodies, been to two funerals, feared for my life during a home invasion, been shot at during a drive-by, and watched the man I once loved murder two men. Add Colton to the mix and these past couple of weeks have been exhausting.

Perhaps I’m due for a vacation, not that I’ve ever really had one of those before.

Lifting the blanket, I glance down and check that my tits haven't fallen out of my shirt before sitting up on the couch with a yawn as Colton does the same beside me, though he somehow manages to do it with a bit of grace.

I look up at Charlie with a cringe while ignoring the smirk on Milo’s face. “I, ummm—” I cut myself off and glance back at Colton, not sure if I really want to be the one responsible for breaking his friend’s heart. I’ve never exactly been in this situation before. What are the rules? Do I let the guys talk it out like men or do I just dump this shit on them and walk out like a fucking boss?

“Sorry, man,” Colton says before I get a chance to screw it up with my awkwardness. “I sorta sealed that deal already.”

Charlie narrows his eyes, looking for some kind of confirmation. “Like you fucked her or you’re fucking her?”

“Fucking, bro,” he says, giving Charlie a tight smile, hoping he works it out for himself that it’s so much more than just fucking.

“No shit,” Milo grumbles, stepping forward and giving me a meaningful look that has a cringe spreading wide over my face and making me realize what a shitty friend I’ve been.

Colton looks up at him and pulls himself to his feet, adjusting his sweatpants in the process. “Sorry, Milo. I didn't mean to steal your girl. I know you guys had … something going on but I assumed it wasn’t anything serious.”

Milo shrugs. “No, problem, man. It was just a bit of fun to pass the time. I prefer her as a friend anyway.” He glances at me and winks and I roll my eyes before he’s even started whatever bullshit quip he’s going to throw my way. “She’s too much drama for me.”

The boys laugh but I find myself staring at Charlie who doesn’t look quite as amused as the others. He meets my eyes and I pat the space beside me, watching as he slowly makes his way across the den. “Hey Hot Dog,” I murmur, keeping my voice low.

“Hot Dog?” he grunts in disgust, rearing back and looking at me as though he’s never been so disrespected in his life. “The name is Hot Sauce.”

“Oh, shit. That’s right,” I laugh, pressing a hand over my mouth to try and mask it as best I can. “I’m sorry. That one completely slipped my mind.” He rolls his eyes and flops back against the couch and I do the same, keeping my eyes on him. “Are you okay? I know you were kinda hoping for something to happen here.”

“Is it real?” he questions. “Or are you just fucking to pass the time and forget all the shit that’s Copyright 2016 - 2024