Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,115

me. “Let me tell you a little something about your father,” he starts, thrilled to be the one to get to break the news to me. “Your father wasn’t just a Wolf, Babydoll. He was second in command and a ruthless asshole. I tried to get him on my side once but he was loyal to his family. He was the best goddamn exterminator on this side of the fucking border.”

“Exterminator?” I ask, glancing at Sebastian, knowing he’s the only one who would have the balls to step up and offer me an answer.

His face breaks and his heart slips out to be worn on his sleeve. “Hitman, O. An exterminator is a hitman and your father was the best one I’ve ever seen.”

I shake my head. “No, you're lying. My father wasn’t a hitman. He wouldn’t do that.”

Kian scoffs. “Just like he wouldn’t sell his only daughter to a rich bastard to save himself? Yeah, Baby, he would. Your father was fucking lethal and could kill a man in seconds.”

“No,” I say, still refusing to believe it. “Hitmen are supposed to be rich. They do a job and get paid. My father didn’t have that kind of money. It’s not true. We struggled every fucking day.”

A grin lifts the corner of Kian’s lips and it’s disturbing how much he’s enjoying this. “That’s what made him so fucking sick. He wasn’t a career hitman, he did it for sport because he fucking loved it. He liked the look in someone’s eyes as he took their life away. Trust me, it’s a fucking rush watching the life fade out of someone under your hands. He was a fool really. He could have made a killing in the profession, but just like everything else, he fucked that up too.”

“So, who killed him then? Was it you?” I demand, wondering if I even care right now. This version of my father doesn’t sound like the kind of guy I want anything to do with, but at the same time, he was my daddy. He was the man that came home every day and sat across from me at the dinner table. He would tuck me in at night and turn out my light when I was a little girl and a part of me is desperately holding onto that.

Kian’s eyes blaze with anger and he reaches for me. “Listen here, you little bitch,” he growls, pulling me in close just like he’d done with Nic but something tells me that he won’t hurt me despite the way the boys tense and prepare themselves to dive in. “I had nothing to do with that. None of my boys did.”

I slam the folder with his mark into his chest, pulling myself free in the process. “Then why is your mark all over it? Pretty fucking suspicious, don’t you think? Your mark is on a folder found in Charles Carrington’s office when both he and my father were killed, clearly by the same person. You’re the third party in this little triangle, not to mention, there’s been a gang war between you and the Wolves for a good six months. Funny how it’s been exactly six months since he was murdered. Are they looking for revenge?”

“I had nothing to do with it,” he spits. “I won’t let you drag me down for this. I’ve told you what you wanted to know and now it’s time for you to fuck off, and now that you know you’re a fucking Wolf, don’t be so stupid as to come back here.”

I take a step back, my chest rising and falling with hard, sharp breaths and just like that, Kian decides we’re finished here and turns his back. He starts walking away and I’m left staring at the four boys who hid the fact that my father was a Wolf, hid the fact that he sold me, and hid the fact that I'm the daughter of a murderer..

I meet each of their eyes, leaving Nic’s for last and when his fall back on mine, I shake my head, pressing my lips into a tight broken line. “I’m done,” I tell him with finality, feeling everything inside of me break.

I turn and start walking back to the Ferrari but a slowing black SUV coming down the road catches my eyes. The two side windows begin lowering and as black shiny metal appears in the open window, Nic’s voice rings out loud. “GUN. GET DOWN.”

His heavy body slams into my back, throwing Copyright 2016 - 2024