Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,107

asshole can try this shit on me again?” I question, watching as both Kai and Sebastian’s eyes go wide. “Hell no. I’ll come back once this bastard has learned how to control his goddamn emotions and learns that I’m not his fucking chew toy.”

With that, I step out of the door and slam it hard behind me, knowing that Kai is going to get the fight he was looking for after all. I hurry back down the hallway and as I go, I hear the second Kai rushes in to my defense with Sebastian as back up.

Loud scuffles and the sound of flesh being beaten haunt me until I finally get out of the building and hurry into the Ferrari. The engine kicks over and purrs beneath me and as I hit the gas, I find myself actually happy about getting my ass out of Breakers Flats and heading back to the pretentious town that has caused me nothing but pain.

Chapter 24

By the time the Ferrari comes to a stop in the impressive garage, my mood has only managed to calm by a mere fraction. My blood boils and every time I even think about what Nic just said, it somehow gets worse. The whole reason for my visit this morning was to fill the void that not seeing them every day brings, and hell, I was even planning on telling them all about the whole college thing, but no. He fucked that up.

Who the hell does he think I am? Does he think he can just bark orders to me like he does to his Widows and that I’ll just instantly fall to my knees wanting to grant his every fucking wish?

Fuck him. I’m not his little puppy dog. He can feel me slipping away and that’s scaring the shit out of him, but that's not my problem. If he didn’t feel the need to wave his dick around, I'd probably be right by his side and Colton wouldn’t even be a blip on my radar.

He did this. He forced me against him and he has no one to blame but himself. For the past six months, I've rolled over and allowed him to walk all over me. I allowed him to get away with his dick moves and I’ve had enough. I value myself too much to allow him to get away with it. There will be no more slipping into my bed to hold me all night, no more flirty texts, no more little slips-ups that end with his lips on mine. No, that fucker lost me when he cheated and it’s about time he started to realize that.

I’m sure had I not lost my father the way I did, I probably would have had a little more self-respect and distanced myself from him, but after dad’s murder, I needed my boys more than anything and Nic and I just slipped back into those same old roles. But not anymore. I want to be with Colton and if we’re going to have any chance of making this work, then Nic needs to back off, and not just claiming that he’s okay with us, but actually backing the fuck off and letting me explore what we have together.

I climb out of the Ferrari, still somewhat impressed that I was able to get this bad boy in and out of Breakers Flats in one piece, even if I was only there for less than twenty minutes. That in itself is a huge achievement and Colton should be waiting here for me with a fucking medal.

Making my way into the mansion, I bypass a bunch of contractors, all working hard to get the mansion back in one piece after the DeCarlo brothers destroyed it.

I find mom in the kitchen, madly trying to get everything together. She’s been working like crazy trying to keep on top of everything and it makes me feel like a bitch for slipping out this morning. I should have stayed and helped her. What the hell was I thinking?

I was too busy thinking about what I needed to worry about Mom. God, how unlucky was she to have such a selfish daughter? I need to fix this. I’ll go and return these keys to Colton, let him know I’m back, and then whatever Mom needs, she gets. In fact, I should take over for her and she should get the rest of the day off.

The second the thought filters through my mind, it’s practically a done Copyright 2016 - 2024