Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,103

leading me toward the front of the church. “Maryne wouldn’t want you falling apart like this.”

I let out a shaky breath. He’s right. I can fall apart in private when I get home, as for now, I need to be strong for Maryne’s family and friends who are no doubt feeling it a lot harder than I am.

With that understanding, I meet Harrison up front and give him a warm hug as I prepare to say goodbye to the woman who was so much more than just a colleague.

Chapter 23

I slam my way through the door of Kairo’s apartment. “WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?” I yell, marching my ass toward his bedroom and listening to the panicked scuffles coming from within. “I SWEAR TO GOD, KAIRO. IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER GIRL IN THERE I’M GOING TO BREAK SOME MOTHERFUCKING FACES.”

“Fuck, babe. Get up, get up, get up,” Kai rushes out on the other side of his door, no doubt shaking the girl who sleeps beside him, desperately trying to get her up and out of his bed. “She can’t find you in here. She’ll fucking kill you.”

My fingers curl around the door handle and finding it locked, I slam my fists against the wood over and over again. “WHY THE HELL IS THIS DOOR LOCKED? WHO IS SHE?”

Kai’s voice calls out. “Babe, you’ve got it all wrong. There’s no one here.”

There’s a panicked feminine wail coming from within the room and I slam my hand on the door again. “KAIRO, OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR RIGHT THIS GODDAMN MINUTE.”

“I’ll be there in a sec,” he calls back.

“NOW!” I yell, feeling good about actually getting to scream for once even though it’s at a wooden door. I bring my foot up and slam it hard, watching as the door rattles on its hinges. It’s not the first time I’ve had to knock this thing down. It’s pretty durable. Maybe another three kicks and it’ll come flying off its hinges. “I’m getting in there whether you want me to or not.”

“Fuck,” the girl in the room panics. “You didn’t tell me you had a girl. What am I supposed to do?”

“The window,” he screeches. “Get your ass out the window. If she gets in here, it’s going to be a fucking bloodbath. Trust me, you don't want to mess with this bitch. She’s in-fucking-sane.”

I hear rattling around the room as the girl hurries to collect her things and I put my face up against the door. “Listen here, bitch. You can fucking have him if you want him but you’re going to have to come out here and fight me for him. I haven’t cut a bitch in months so I’m really going to enjoy this.”

The bedroom window slides open and I slam my foot against the door even harder. “COME OUT HERE,” I screech, banging my fists rapidly. “My man ain’t going to have some trashy side piece.”

There’s a high-pitched squeal of terror then Kai’s deep rumble. “Hurry the fuck up, girl. The door won’t hold much longer.”

There are a few loud bangs from within the room and when I kick the door again, it goes flying off its hinges, though not in the same way it would had it been one of the boys kicking it down. I’ve seen Nic kick a door down when he thought someone was hurting me and that fucker splintered into a million little pieces.

I storm into the room and find a blonde in nothing but a skimpy thong with all her things in her hands. She’s halfway through the window and staring at me wide-eyed and terrified.

I start racing towards her. “GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE HOMEWRECKER.”

She screams and starts moving faster as Kairo dives in front of me, holding me back with everything he’s got. His arms curl around me like steel rods and lift me off the ground. I kick my legs out. “LET ME AT HER.”

Kai looks back at the escaping girl. “GO,” he yells. “HURRY UP.”

The girl practically drops out of the window and I look over Kai’s wide shoulder to watch as she scampers across the grass. Her thick ass jiggles as she runs and as Kai’s eyes drop to mine, we both burst into uncontrollable laughter.

“That was the best one yet,” he tells me, relaxing his arms around my waist and turning his hold into a tight, warm hug.

“I know. I figured she'd at least pull her dress on first.”

“Can’t blame her,” he says, shaking his head as the Copyright 2016 - 2024