Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,83

time she peeled off his other boot, she barely had the strength to stand. Uncertain as to what would happen next, she stepped around the puddles and he followed her.

“Do you cook?” Charley stood at the hearth and practically held her breath when warm hands settled at her waist. “Are you a crack shot with a pistol?” He drew her against him and although their clothing was wet, his chest felt warm against her back.

Her mind had gone blank and rather than answer him, she tilted her head to the side to give his mouth better access to the sensitive skin on her neck. She was left dazed, however, when instead of embracing her from behind, he loosened her gown and stepped away.

“We need to get out of these wet clothes.” He was removing his jacket as though it was the most natural thing in the world. “We might be here for a while.”

Chapter 23


Jules opened a chest he kept handy and withdrew a long shirt. Having slept in the building on more than a few occasions, he’d left a change of clothes here. She’d need something to wear while her gown dried. He wouldn’t be the cause of her catching ill.

He’d brought her here to ask her opinion about operating a distillery after they married, hoping it might further his cause in winning her hand. He hadn’t foreseen the rain. He hadn’t considered the possibility of the two of them being caught in such an isolated location for most of the afternoon.


After today, there would be no turning back for either of them. Their absence would be noted. And remarked upon. The only way to settle the wagging tongues would be to announce their engagement.

Before discarding his coat, he remembered to remove the flask form his pocket. Not that he needed warming—she’d managed to take care of him in that area.

“Wear this.” He offered her the shirt.

She was clutching her gown to her chest, her green eyes looking larger than normal against her skin, which, as he was becoming accustomed to since their acquaintance, was flushed a delicate pink.

“What about you? You’re more soaked than I am.”

“I’ve dry breeches in there as well.” At his assurance that he wouldn’t be waiting the storm out in damp clothing, she accepted the garment from him.

He could go upstairs. He could step back outside. “I’ll turn my back.” He grinned. “That way if you require my services as your lady’s maid, I’ll be right at hand.”

Did all redheads flush so easily, or just Charley in particular?

“I believe I can manage, thank you.”

Jules pivoted and averted his gaze to the window to provide her with some privacy. He hadn’t bargained, however, for the thick clouds blocking out the sun so that it was almost as dark as the night, nor for the fact that the glass showed her reflection almost as clearly as any mirror.

Unable to look anywhere but her reflection, he mindlessly undid the buttons to his waistcoat and tossed it aside. She took her time, moving hesitantly at first. When she slid the gown off her shoulders and onto the floor, his cock hardened. Her dampened chemise was almost transparent and it clung to plump breasts pushed up by her stays. Her delightful bottom and lovely hips flared out just below the tight garment.

“I…” She lifted her hands and covered her breasts and at the same time her gaze met and held his in the glass. “I’ll need your help after all. I hadn’t realized my corset was soaked through.”

Jules tugged at his shirt until it lifted free of his trousers and then pulled it over his head before facing her again. She knew he’d been watching her, and she hadn’t scolded him for it.

As she stood at the hearth, the firelight dancing on the classical lines of her face and warming her skin, Jules felt his restraint slip.

She was going to marry him. She would be his wife. They were alone, and she seemed quite unafraid.

Her own expression conveyed similar thoughts and emotions as her gaze traveled over his abdomen and chest. There was nothing he could do to conceal his arousal.

“There will be no turning back.” He approached her in stockinged feet.

She gave no indication of misunderstanding his meaning, just turned and presented her back to him. The laces posed no trouble, and he could almost feel her sigh of relief when it loosened and slid to the floor.

He swallowed hard and lifted his hands, sliding Copyright 2016 - 2024