Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,71


Looking quite matter-of-fact, she nodded in Miss Somerset’s direction. As cheers rose up as well as conciliatory appreciation for Miss Somerset, Charley sent him a sheepish smile.

You’d damn well better pick me, sweetheart.

What if I don’t? her deceivingly innocent expression seemed to say, goading him.

You will.

Stone and Mantis studied the target together, but even from across the room, Jules could easily see Charley’s was the best shot.

“The winner is Miss Jackson,” Stone announced to eliminate any doubt. “A most excellent competition.”

“Now, however,” Greys’ even tone and unconcerned voice silenced everyone, “the question begs to be answered. Who would you have escort you tomorrow?”

Staring as she was at his dear friends, Jules realized she might very well choose one of them. Not because she wanted any of them, but because she had become too attached to him.

Greys had walked her back to the manor last night, while Jules went after her cloak.

Jules extended a few fingers behind his back so that the cracking sound might not be heard by most.

Charley, however, turned her head to stare back at him. Looking resigned and almost disappointed in herself, she exhaled loudly. “I suppose that I shall have to choose Lord Westerley.” And then she feigned concern in her challenger’s direction. “Who is your choice, Miss Somerset?”

Chapter 20


“Jules?” Bethany stepped into his study with Felicity behind her.

He’d not wanted to give Felicity the wrong impression, nor compromise her in any way by asking her to meet with him alone.

“Thank you for coming.” What with his personal guests’ insistence that they finish off his grandfather’s bottles of scotch yesterday, Jules had failed to meet privately with either Felicity or her father yet. He was determined, however, to do so today, before the excursion to the abbey. He rose and congratulated himself on his decision to have Bethany sit in on this conversation.

If Felicity needed consoling, Bethany could provide that. And with Bethany present, it was less likely that Felicity would feel comfortable throwing any handy projectiles his way.

Not that that was something Felicity would ever do. She was quite English and quite proper. And, as she watched him warily from with rather soulful brown eyes, not a single blond hair out of place, he couldn’t deny that she was very, very pretty.

But the affection he felt for her didn’t extend beyond the same way he cared about his sisters.

“Please, sit down, both of you.” This situation required finesse on his part—something he normally didn’t concern himself with.

He schooled his features, providing an indication that he’d discuss unpleasant news. Bethany, of course, already knew his intentions and was staring at her hands in her lap, counting fretfully if he was to take a guess.

Felicity glanced between the two of them, confusion clouding her gaze.

The room fell silent until Bethany purposefully cleared her throat.

Jules lifted his gaze and met Felicity’s. “Our parents, I realize, have had longstanding expectations that the two of us should marry.”

He gave her a moment to say something. Did he hope she’d laugh it off and contradict him? Still, she nodded in a wary manner.

“But they never came to an official agreement.” At these words, she tilted her head and three tiny lines appeared between her brows.

“I had thought—”

“Not even a verbal one,” he continued, “and I’ve hesitated to act on their expectations for quite some time because I have not sensed romantic inclinations on your part, nor have I experienced them on my own.” Good God. What if he had been wrong? “Unless I am mistaken?”

And what if he was? Would that change anything? He met Bethany’s eyes and hell if her scowl didn’t give credence to his misgivings.

He ought to have discussed matters with Felicity before he began courting Charley. He should not have accepted the bet to begin with.

But would he have taken the time to discover that Charley Jackson was more than an American with startling red hair and eyes the color of an enchanted forest?

Damned straight he would have. Even before he’d met her, she’d more than pricked his awareness.

He would have been free to pursue her of his own inclination, without the guise of duty… without other complications that could possibly rise up to bite him in the arse.

“You are not mistaken, Jules.” But Felicity’s smile was brittle, and her eyes shinier than they’d been a moment before. “You are in love with Miss Jackson.” Her words had him bolting upright in his seat.

He was not in love with anyone. He liked Charley—very much. But Copyright 2016 - 2024