Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,62

jumped again and so did her heart. Bubbles seemed to effervesce in her chest but in a good way.

She liked it. She liked it when he smiled at her. She rested one hand along the frame of the door to keep herself from leaning into him. Because all this giddiness wanted to dictate her actions.

“Your friends were most kind.” She still had difficulty wrapping her mind around all that they’d done for her.

“The Cocksure Gents.” Again, he teased.

“Yes.” But then she bit her lip. “Bethany knows—about us. I mean, that you’ve offered for me. Not about the bet,” she hastened to add. “But… well, some of it.”

Both corners of his mouth had lifted now. “There was little chance my sister would allow you to escape without badgering you for some sort of explanation.”

“I told her I needed to return to America. I wanted to go home.” Talking with him now, alone, wearing her dressing gown and barefoot in the shadows of the corridor, the feelings of homesickness weren’t quite as powerful as they had been before.

Because going home would mean never seeing him again.

She should never have given in to him. His pretending to court her had been a huge mistake.

Those invisible strings she’d felt in the cellar earlier that day suddenly felt like thick ropes. And they were winding around her again, tugging her toward him. She gripped the doorframe harder in order to resist them.

But he wasn’t nearly as determined to fight the pull as she was. He leaned forward, not for a kiss, but close enough that the scruff of his beard brushed along her cheek and jaw. There was not a thing in the world she could do to stop the shiver from running through her.

“You will change your mind.” At her side now, his breath was hot and damp near her ear. It wasn’t quite a whisper, but more of a softly spoken promise.

If he kissed her now, she surely would melt onto the floor. Her eyes fluttered shut and her body swayed toward his.

“Your maid?”

Charley tilted her head, craving his mouth on her neck. Just one kiss. Her skin, so close to his mouth, ached for his touch.


Soft laughter sounded in his voice this time. She liked the way it felt. It was like she’d come to life for the first time. Those butterflies were now buzzing around inside of her—only butterflies didn’t buzz, she corrected the imagery. Bees did.

Her maid? Oh, yes. Daisy was just inside, likely doing her utmost to eavesdrop.

Charley inhaled deeply in an effort to extract herself from this magnetic pull she’d been caught in.

“Just inside.” Her voice came out sounding hoarse.

Jules didn’t move away from her, but instead, casually leaned against the wall beside her, staring down.

His gaze settled on her mouth. Was he going to kiss her again? Without even realizing it, her lips had parted. It was difficult to breathe with him so near.

“I have your first lesson planned for tomorrow. And it’s something I think you’ll enjoy.”


His fingers still had hold of her braid and were slowly sliding upward. Charley released the door frame and hugged her coat with both arms now.

“It’s more of a sport, really.” His voice sounded gruff, lower than usual. Charley caught a whiff of his breath—whisky, spicy warmth, and something earthy—Jules. She crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs together. The foyer suddenly felt much warmer than it had a moment ago.

His gaze locked with hers and when she swayed, he grasped her shoulder.

“A sport?” Her own voice was barely a whisper. She cleared her throat. “What is it?”

“You will know soon enough.” He moved his fingertips from her braid to just below her lips. Her head felt heavy and she would have tipped it back, offering him her mouth if a scuffling sound from inside hadn’t reminded her that they weren’t truly alone. She clutched her coat tightly against her breasts and straightened her spine.

“Are you certain you still want to go through with all of this?” Because all of this was fake and then none of it felt fake and she had no idea what they were doing at this point. The man stole her ability to think far too easily! “You aren’t bothered that your sister will tell Lady Felicity?”

He dropped his hand and took one step back, lines furrowing his brow. His withdrawal ought to have given her relief but left her feeling empty instead.

“I’m meeting with my mother first thing in the morning. I trust Bethany Copyright 2016 - 2024