Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,57

your well-being. And that he’s fulfilling the promise he made to your mother.”

She nodded. Although, she had difficulty completely dismissing her suspicion after he set up a possible betrothal and refused to allow her to accompany him to the distilleries. He was pushing her away. Was that what this trip had really been about? And yet… “I love him.”

“Fathers are not perfect, but we love them, nonetheless. It’s upsetting when, as we grow older, we discover their imperfections.”

“You loved your father.” She stated the obvious. “Tell me one of his imperfections.”

“I can’t.” He stiffened. When he went to draw away his hand, she refused to release him.

“But he had them.” Charley watched what seemed to be a battle of emotions in his expressions. “You just said that we still love them even knowing they aren’t perfect.”

“I cannot dishonor him.” His voice came out gravelly. “Not after precipitating his death.”

“Does it dishonor a person to embrace their humanness?” Charley thought about her parents. She had been quite unforgiving where her mother was concerned. Had she merely convinced herself that her mother didn’t love her? “Forgive me.” She was no one to offer any sort of advice.

“I’ve forgotten why I brought you out here.” His features softened.

“You didn’t come to dinner.” She could hardly tell him that she missed him. Silly, really.

Only… He was not at all the person she’d initially taken him to be. Something squeezed her heart at the realization. He was not her enemy. In fact, she was coming to… care for him.

As a friend, perhaps? More than a friend?

He used his thumb to draw small circles on the back of her hand, making her feel like her limbs had been filled with a warm heavy syrup.

“Did you miss me?” His question echoed her own misguided thoughts.

“It is fake.” But somehow, she was losing her conviction.

“Why do you persist with that?” He tilted his head.

“You are courting me so that you can honor the wager you made with my father.” She inhaled a deep breath. “Not because you want to court me.”

Her words finally seemed to penetrate his understanding. He nodded but then blinked and shook his head.

“No.” A tiny wrinkle appeared between his eyes. “I’m courting you because I want to.” Amazement underscored his words.

“But why?” She wouldn’t doubt his answer. She was coming to trust him. Was it possible that he actually—”

“Because I like you.”

Chapter 16


He liked her.

Very much.

The comprehension ought to have come to Jules earlier, but the lines between them, bringing them together, had become blurred. It went without saying that he would convince her to marry him, and he would take great satisfaction in honoring his word.

He’d intended to marry anyhow, and although he anticipated an uncomfortable conversation with his mother in the immediate future, he wasn’t all that concerned.

Because… Jules liked courting Charley. In fact, it seemed the most natural thing in the world now that he was getting to know her.

And sitting here now, holding her hand in his, life felt more vibrant somehow.

She stared back at him almost warily, and despite sitting in shadows, the golden flecks in her eyes still managed to sparkle.

“You did say you trusted me, didn’t you?” Perhaps she needed reminding.

His eyes dropped to her mouth as she licked her lips. What would she taste like tonight? Wine? Fruit?


“Miss Jackson!” A stern-sounding female voice echoed around the glass, and Jules nearly laughed at Charley’s horrified expression.

“Shhh…” He touched his fingertip to her lips. Damp, soft, plump lips. The blood in his veins grew hotter as he imagined all the things he could do with those lips.

“Miss Jackson, if you are in here, I suggest you come outside before the other guests realize you’ve disappeared.”

Charley’s eyes darted left and right, and she looked about to take flight and expose them both if Jules didn’t do something to stop her. Feeling unusually mischievous, he rose and pulled her up with him.

“Hush,” he whispered as he led her silently around some of the thicker greenery.

“It’s doubtful she’s in here. More likely Miss Jackson simply returned to her chamber.” Stone’s voice sounded uncomfortably close. “Come now, Mrs. Crabtree. You shouldn’t worry yourself.”

“She’s my charge, Mr. Spencer. I take great pride in fulfilling my duties as chaperone. I would have seen her if she’d returned to the manor.”

Jules smiled to himself. Of course, Stone would know that Jules would bring her to this part of the manor. The chaise inside had come in handy for all of them on more than Copyright 2016 - 2024