Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,33

I not been honest with you in my intentions up until now?”

“To my knowledge.”

“Well, I have been.” He grasped her elbow again but squeezed it gently this time. “As my future betrothed, it would be better all-around if you could find it in your heart to trust me.”

His hand felt warm resting on the fabric of her sleeve and for some reason, the annoyance she’d felt ebbed away.

The irony of what he was doing wasn’t lost on her. He didn’t wish to marry her. She did not wish to marry him. But he would court her, knowing she’d refuse him.

And then it struck her. He was…


She met his eyes again. “I’m not sure why, but I believe that I can—trust you, that is.” She would not have to worry that he wanted to claim her inheritance or do anything to trap her in England. “But not because I will ever be your betrothed.”

“Why then?” His fingers moved slowly back and forth where they clasped her elbow.

“Because you don’t really want to marry me and so you have no reason to interfere one way or another where my father and I are concerned.”

“Oh, Miss Jackson.” He seemed almost disappointed in her.

“Charley!” Bethany’s voice broke into their conversation. “I thought you might be downstairs already. Jules, why haven’t you poured Miss Jackson a drink?” She dismissed her brother and then took hold of Charley’s other arm. “Tabetha and Felicity will likely not arrive until just before it’s time to go into dinner. They were going to help the Blackheart Twins decide on what to wear. Did you rest well after tea?”

“Madeira wine, Beth?” Lord Westerley removed his hand and stepped back. “I don’t suppose you’d care for the same, would you, Miss Jackson?”

She made a face at that before she could stop herself.

“I thought not. I’ll see if there is anything that might be more to your liking.” His eyes darkened when he smiled, the little silver flecks dancing now. “Unless you’re hiding your flask in those sleeves.”

At his comment, his sister swatted him with her fan. “Really, Westerley! You are insufferable sometimes. You cannot make jokes like that with ladies who aren’t your sisters.” She slid a sideways glance at Charley. “He teases us mercilessly.”

Charley couldn’t help but smile at the camaraderie between the siblings and in the light of such lighthearted banter, she could almost forget her father’s betrayal. Perhaps if she rose early and spoke with him alone…

“Do you have any brothers or sisters, Charley?” Bethany had tugged her to a settee and lowered them both onto it.

“It’s just me and my father.” Which had been something of a sore spot in their family, although her parents never discussed it in front of her. There was a small grave on her father’s property, and if she was to judge by the dates, it most likely had been a babe her parents had lost before she’d been born. A boy. Born and died on the same date. June 29th, 1801. It was possible her mother had lost others as well, before they’d even had a chance to grow. “You are lucky to have them.”

“Tabetha would beg to differ.” Concern marred the other girl’s forehead. “She doesn’t appreciate when my brother interferes in her life.”

“But she is very young.”

“And easily swayed by a few compliments from almost any handsome gentleman—as long as he’s titled. Westerley is right to keep close watch over her. She is far too excitable for her own good.”

“You seem very different from your sister.” Charley hadn’t once seen the elder sister acting flirtatiously. “Your brother says you are quite practical.”

Bethany shrugged. “That’s not the way my mother would describe me. I am two and twenty and although I’m not quite on the shelf, I’ve been quite the disappointment.”

“Marriage cannot define who you are. You are pretty, and refined, and… kind.”

Bethany stared down at her hand where she was tapping the tips of her fingers in succession to the tip of her thumb. Charley had noticed her doing it before. What was she counting?

“It’s kind of you to say that.” Bethany dipped her chin. “But I am too… managing. Westerley says I’m overly organized, fondly, of course. But in addition to that, I seem to be lacking something. It’s no matter, though. I will be content as a companion for my mother. And I’ll be all my nieces’ and nephews’ favorite aunt.” She smiled broadly.

A little too broadly?

“Even if you fell in love?” Daisy seemed quite determined that Copyright 2016 - 2024