Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,14

consider this in terms of winning or losing.”

He studied his hands, then jerked his head back up when an indelicate scoffing sound came from her.

“Did you just snort?” Jules wasn’t sure if he should be annoyed or entertained.

“The same way you were cracking your knuckles earlier.”

This young woman was nothing like the chits he’d become accustomed to.

She entertained him. Challenged him. Definitely intrigued him, which was a surprising twist in and of itself.

He didn’t often stumble upon a lady who wasn’t eager to fall into his wishes.

Refreshing, indeed.

And since she was on to him anyhow, he tilted his head just so until his neck produced a satisfying cracking sound.

She rewarded him by turning and walking in the direction she’d initially been going. “Fear not, Lord Westerley,” she sang out. “There is no need for you to worry that you will have to relinquish your freedom by marrying me.”

“My lord,” he corrected her, knowing as he did so that it would rile her. “You needn’t keep calling me Westerley, as I’m the only lord present. My lord will suit just fine.”

She halted, pivoted and glared at him. “My Lord.” And then she continued her march to wherever she thought she was taking them.

“And I don’t see it as relinquishing my freedom.” He caught up with her with a few long strides. “I’m simply upholding my word of honor. What exactly is it that you dislike about me, anyhow?” Jules grinned to himself. Really, he was quite a catch.

“I release you from your word. And please don’t take it personally. I would dislike any person who’d accept such a bet.”

She must be livid with her father then. Although Jules had initially believed the man’s motives to be grasping, Jules wasn’t so sure now. Manipulative, yes. But perhaps he was merely being proactive for his daughter’s sake.

They’d reached the edge of the small stream that ran across the estate by now, and she crouched to the ground to sift her fingers through the soil. “Hmm.” She hummed as she scooped a handful up and allowed it to sift through her fingers.

Jules folded his arms across his chest and widened his stance. “You, Miss Jackson, are not in the position to release me from my word.”

“It’s not sandy enough,” she murmured.

“We’re too far from the sea.”

“But it’s interesting.” She lifted it to her nostrils and inhaled. “Rich and loamy.”

“It’s too damp here.” He lowered himself beside her.

She nodded, brushed her hands and then rose again. As she did so, she wobbled a little and he took hold of her arm. He expected her to feel sturdier but even through the sleeve of her coat, she seemed almost fragile. He considered it a small victory that she didn’t resist when he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and led her toward the nearby bridge.

“We get too much rain to produce a good barley,” he added.

“I’m inclined to agree. A shame, though. Are we near the edge of your property yet?”

Jules answered the rapid-fire questions she sent his way, all the while well aware that she was ignoring his… Had that been a proposal?

He ought to simply allow her to release him. If she declined him at the end of the house party, then there was nothing either he or her father could do about it.

“My tenants and I have shifted from relying solely on agriculture to raising a variety of stock,” he replied, still intrigued by her abject refusal to marry him. “I’m afraid I cannot take no for an answer, Miss Jackson.”

She hardly skipped a beat, watching the ground as they walked. “I realize my father will be disappointed. As will my grandparents and my aunt and even my maid, for heaven’s sake. But that is my final answer.”

“That is your answer now. I promised your father I would convince you to marry me before the house party is over. If I fail,” he said, shrugging nonchalantly. “Then you will be free of me. However, I plan to succeed. I will uphold my honor and,” the devil had him adding, “come summer, you’ll be begging to marry me.”

He glanced sideways at what he was certain was another snort. “Did you snort again, Miss Jackson?”

She shook her head, dislodging even more glorious locks of hair. The thought brought him up short. Hadn’t he just considered the color of her hair obnoxious last night? One morning in this chit’s company and it was suddenly glorious?

She squeezed his arm. “I’m ready to return to Copyright 2016 - 2024