Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,101

woman bent down to retrieve her belongings, Bethany grinned over at Charley. It was encouraging to know that she had additional support, but it was also unnerving. Others beside herself must accomplish essential tasks in order for Charley to ultimately succeed.

Twenty minutes later, Charley studied her appearance in the mirror. The face looking back at her was even more pale than usual. A thousand doubts had the contents of her stomach flipflopping back and forth.

“You will be the most beautiful lady there,” Daisy announced confidently as she stuck one more pin into the coiffure she’d created. She’d magically confined most of Charley’s curls into an intricate knot.

“No need to be beautiful. I simply need to look good enough that I’m not turned away at the door.” But she couldn’t help but concede that the gown, another provided by her grandmother, was lovely indeed. Almost the exact shade of Jules’ eyes, the lovely sapphire silk had long puffy sleeves and a heart-shaped bodice. It fit her perfectly and unlike many of her older gowns, the material gathered low at her waist. Of course, it was the height of fashion and when she twirled around, the material swished outward, making her feel like a princess. Charley wore a pendant given to her by her father long ago and satin slippers with a thin leather sole. How would she have felt dressed like this under different circumstances?

Pretty? Alluring?

She allowed herself all of ten seconds to fantasize that Jules would announce their engagement tonight—that he would lead her onto the dance floor. She included in that fantasy that she’d taken several more dance lessons and that she could float across the parquet floor effortlessly.

When a sharp knock sounded at the door, she blinked the imagined scene away and focused her attention on the task that lie ahead of her.

Lord Greystone stood on the other side, looking stern and also very unapproachable.

Perfect. The more formidable her escort, the better.

Feeling something like what a soldier must feel as he heads into battle, Charley smiled tightly and slid her hand into the crook of his elbow.

Normally, she might have made some attempt at conversation, but her mind had gone blank. If she failed, she’d lose Jules forever.

“Relax, Miss Jackson. We will not be turned away.” The aristocratic gentleman who’d agreed to gain her entrance did not point out that as long as she was with him, they would not be questioned. He outranked every other person here tonight, as far as she knew.

She took in a deep breath and released the vicelike grip she had on his arm.

“The card game will commence shortly after the first dance. If you find yourself separated from me, look for Stone to take you over.”

All Charley could think to do was nod, which she did.

The next minute, Lord Greystone had led the two of them through a back door of sorts and then out from behind a curtain. A small orchestra played at the far end of the room and in the center of the shining dance floor, an elegant couple danced alone, causing her knees to nearly give out beneath her.

Because the couple appeared to be gazing into one another’s eyes, and they danced as though they had been made for one another.

Jules and Felicity.

The Marquess’ hand covered her hand at the moment she contemplated fleeing. “He’s doing his part, just as you asked.”

Of course.

Of course.

She exhaled and allowed Lord Greystone to lead her around the edge of the room. Thankfully, all eyes watched the couple on the floor, which not only allowed her to slip through the guests unobserved but gave her the opportunity to drink in the sight of him.

He was dressed more formally than she’d ever seen him, his shirt and cravat a pristine white, his waistcoat, coat, and long-tailed jacket, black as midnight.

And almost as though he felt her presence, he glanced up and his eyes flared and softened. She swallowed around the large lump that formed in her throat and ignored her feelings of jealousy. Especially when he leaned down and whispered something in Felicity’s ear before spinning her around.

With Jules’ back to her now, the other girl peered around his shoulder and with sly grin, winked at Charley.

Was there no one in all of Westerley Crossing who was not aware of Charley’s plan? She exhaled loudly as Stone Spencer approached and took hold of her other elbow.

Lord Greystone casually disappeared into the crowd.

“What’s happening?”

“Brightly needs a little more encouragement to enter the game. He Copyright 2016 - 2024