Cobb (Lighthouse Security Investigations #9) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,15

profile. I… well, I suggested that she pretend she’s dating whoever the investigative company sent, just to give her an easy excuse as to why you’d be around so much. She doesn’t socialize much, so I figured no one would be the wiser.”

Cobb rubbed his chin, his thoughts swirling at the knowledge that she wasn’t going to know he was the person coming and yet they were supposed to be dating. Unable to come up with an alternate scenario, he sighed. “I’ll go ahead and warn you, sir, that my protection detail will include scoping out her work and residence. I’ll install security cameras and take precautions that she may find intrusive.”

John waved his hand dismissively. “Jorge, do whatever you need to do to keep her safe. She might find them intrusive, but she’s a smart woman. She’ll see reason.”

Standing, he reached over and shook John’s hand and said, “I’ll let you know what we find out.”

A knock on the door sounded, and Cobb looked over his shoulder as a man and woman entered. Both appeared to be in their early thirties. The man had ditched his suit jacket and had his shirt sleeves rolled up. The barest edge of a tattoo peeked from underneath his sleeve. His features hinted at Native American, and his dark eyes shot between the senator and Cobb. The woman’s black hair was pulled back into a tight bun, but her deep red lipstick emphasized the wide smile that did nothing to soften her severe appearance.

“Oh, Carmen. Tahoma. Come in, come in.”

Standing, Cobb turned to the newcomers.

“These are my two senatorial aides, Carmen Martinez and Tahoma Starr. They are my right-hand assistants and work tirelessly for me, my office, and the state of New Mexico.”

Cobb shook their hands, noting Tahoma’s intense scrutiny behind his smile. Carmen held his hand a few seconds longer than necessary, her smile hiding a calculating assessment in her eyes. Cobb wondered if the senator had confided Josie’s concerns to them even though Mace would have advised against it. As far as Cobb was concerned, no one was above suspicion, but his expression remained neutral.

“I’m so sorry to intrude,” Carmen said, her voice smooth. “But we heard that Governor Cobb’s son was here. I know you had business with the governor and didn’t know if you needed us.”

“Well, in fact—” John began.

“Just a social call.” Cobb easily interrupted what he felt sure was going to be John’s admission of his daughter’s difficulties. “I had the pleasure of meeting Senator Rector at my father’s birthday event a few months ago, and since I was visiting my parents, I thought I’d take the opportunity to say hello.”

Carmen’s red lips curved even more. “I do hope you’ll consider meeting us for drinks while you’re here in Albuquerque.”

“I’m afraid I’m leaving right after this.”

Her lips stayed curved into a smile, but the rest of her face was hard as she inclined her head. “Maybe another time.” Turning to the senator, she said, “I’ll be leaving for lunch soon, sir, and then have an appointment this afternoon. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With a last long glance toward Cobb, she walked out of the office, followed by Tahoma, whose tight jaw and narrowed eyes were noted by Cobb.

Mentally adding the two aides to his list of people to investigate, he shook hands again with the senator, who leaned close and whispered, “I realize you didn’t want me to say anything to my aides.”

“I think the fewer people who know what’s going on is best. It makes it easier for an investigation to not be hampered by anyone, regardless of who you trust.”

John held his gaze for a long moment, thoughts working behind his eyes before he finally nodded slowly. “I understand. I won’t call Josie and tell her you’re coming. I now realize that I need to step back and let you handle it, even though that goes against my instincts as her father.”

“You’re doing the right thing, sir. I’ll be in touch,” Cobb repeated from before their interruption. He walked out, nodded to the two receptionists, and climbed into his SUV. Turning onto the highway leading to Las Cruces, he had a feeling that while Josie Rector was smart, she was not going to like seeing him again.


“Mark, I’m telling you all I know. My dad says that he’ll have the police check to see if they know where Caesar is.” Josie tried to keep her voice steady, but her nerves were stretched taut and she Copyright 2016 - 2024