Cliff's Descent (Immortal Guardians #11) - Dianne Duvall Page 0,97

Immortal Guardian bending over him. But Emma’s.

Instead of large fingers searching for a pulse in his neck, he felt Emma’s delicate fingers caress his face.

His lips turning up in a faint smile, Cliff surrendered to oblivion.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Emma didn’t know how long she sat there, crumpled on the boardroom floor, sobbing her heart out, before murmuring voices carried to her from Mr. Reordon’s office through the open door.

Footsteps approached, alerting her that someone had entered.

“Oh shit,” Cynthia whispered.

Emma forced herself to look up as her friend hurried toward her.

Dropping to her knees, Cynthia wrapped her arms around Emma and drew her into a tight hug.

Emma sagged against her, crying so hard she couldn’t speak.

“It’s okay,” Cynthia whispered, rocking her and patting her back. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. You just cry it out, honey. I’m here for you.”

Kate appeared a moment later with a box of tissues and two bottles of water.

“Thank you,” Cynthia murmured.

Nodding, Kate set them down within reach and left.

“Here.” Yanking a few tissues from the box, Cynthia pressed them against the back of the hands Emma wept into.

Emma accepted them gratefully and wiped her running nose.

Keeping one arm around her, Cynthia grabbed a bottle of water, twisted the lid off behind Emma’s back, then offered it to her. “Take a sip.”

Leaning away a little, shoulders slumped, Emma did as bidden. Her choppy breathing didn’t make it easy. But her eyes, cheeks, and nose were hot from weeping, and the cold liquid felt good sliding down.

Cynthia opened the other bottle and wet a wad of tissues with it. Like a mother tending a child, she patted Emma’s heated skin and puffy eyes. “What can I do?” she asked gently.

More tears spilled over Emma’s lashes as she shook her head. “N-Nothing.” Her breath hitched. “He’s gone.”

Her friend’s eyes widened with dismay. “What?”

“Cliff’s g-gone.”

“Oh no. Oh honey.” She pulled Emma into another hug.

Emma blew her nose and wiped her eyes but couldn’t seem to stem the tide of tears as she gave Cynthia an abbreviated account of what had happened.

“But Cliff’s tough,” Cynthia said. “You know that. I’m sure he’ll kick ass, take names, then come back and give you all the—”

“No. He won’t,” Emma told her. “I saw it in his eyes. He isn’t coming back. This is how he wants to go. He’s going to die tonight.”

Saying it out loud just sparked another round of sobs.

Cynthia stayed with her, holding her, rocking her, and making soothing sounds.

What felt like hours passed before a throat cleared.

“Cyn?” a masculine voice said tentatively.

They looked over.

Todd stood in the doorway, his expression somber and uncertain. “Kate asked me to come. She thought you might want me to drive you and Emma home.”

Cynthia glanced at Emma. “Do you want to go home?” She dabbed her face with more cool tissues. “Or you could come to our place. Why don’t you do that? Why don’t you stay with us tonight? I promise Todd won’t snore.”

Todd nodded as if he were silently vowing not to snore.

“Home,” Emma said softly. “I want to go home.”

“You got it, honey. Whatever you want.” Cynthia rose, drawing Emma up with her. “Sweetie, would you get the tissues and the water, please?”

“Sure.” Todd hurried forward and grabbed the bottled water and box of tissues. “You want me to pick these up?” He motioned to the tear-soaked, snotty tissues that littered the floor around them. “I saw a wastebasket in Reordon’s office. It’ll just take a minute.”

Kate’s voice carried to them from the next room. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it.”

“Okay.” He hovered behind them as they left the boardroom.

Kate stood beside Mr. Reordon’s desk. “Here.” She handed Cynthia her purse, then turned to Emma. “These are for you.” She held out a pair of scuffed running shoes. “I think we wear about the same size.”

“Thank you.” Emma sat on the sofa she and Cliff had occupied several times and slipped her bare feet into the sneakers, which fit comfortably enough. As soon as she stood, Cynthia wrapped an arm around her once more and Todd resumed his hovering.

“Don’t worry about work, Emma,” Kate said as they left the office. “You take as much time as you need. We’ve got your back.” Even she didn’t believe Cliff was coming back.

“Thank you.” Emma straightened her shoulders before they hit the lobby but still drew stares as Todd and Cynthia escorted her out of the building because she couldn’t calm her damn breathing.

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