Cliff's Descent (Immortal Guardians #11) - Dianne Duvall Page 0,54

backs facing the treadmills. Sometimes Melanie and Linda would sit at them, elbows nearly touching, faces carefully blank. Melanie would type so swiftly her fingers would blur. Linda would look at Melanie’s computer screen, then type something on her own. Melanie would read it, then type again.

Cliff had swiftly concluded this was what they did when they wanted to discuss something without the vampires listening in. They also used sign language. He could’ve easily learned the latter so he’d know what they were talking about but opted not to. He knew how much a lack of privacy sucked and didn’t want to take that little bit away from them.

And considering how setbacks could incite the damned voices, he thought it best if he didn’t know what they discussed in case it didn’t bode well for his future.

Stuart woke around sunset and joined Cliff on his run. He was a good guy. Though he hadn’t been a vampire as long as Cliff, he seemed to be struggling today, too.

Miguel, one of the other vampires housed at the network, wandered in and leaped onto a third treadmill. He was only just beginning to experience the mental deterioration but wasn’t as wary of Cliff as some of the others. Flashing Cliff and Stuart a smile, he tried to race them to see who could clock the highest speed. He even cracked some jokes that managed to take the edge off.

Until Dr. Whetsman made a surprise appearance in the lab.

In no time at all, Cliff found himself grinding his teeth.

It would be so easy to kill him, the voices growled. To wrap your hands around his throat and squeeze. Watch his eyes bulge and fear fill his face while you cut off his breath and tighten your hold until his fucking head falls off.

Cliff clenched his hands into tighter fists as he ran on the treadmill. He’s just an asshole. Not worth my time. The world is full of assholes.

And you can kill them all, the voices pointed out, gleefully providing both verbal and visual suggestions that made The Texas Chainsaw Massacre look as tame as a children’s cartoon.

Fucking Whetsman.

Even the prick’s fear-induced flatulence couldn’t diminish the anger that continued to grip Cliff every time the man opened his damned mouth until Doc Linda suddenly slammed her pencil down, swung on him, and nearly shouted, “Oh, come on! What the hell did you eat today? That’s disgusting!”

Stuart burst into laughter, stumbled, then flew backward off the treadmill and slammed into the huge padded mat Melanie had fastened to the wall behind them for just such occasions. On Cliff’s other side, Miguel did the same while the vamps down the hallway burst into guffaws.

Even Melanie couldn’t hide her laughter as Whetsman’s face flamed and he beat a hasty retreat from the lab, muttering something about unprofessionalism.

Cliff slowed his speed as the anger within him receded. With Whetsman gone, he could once again focus on thoughts of Emma, which reduced the voices to annoying mumbles. His jaw loosened, as did his fists.

A moment later, Bastien strolled in. “What was Whetsman doing in here? I thought that asshole worked the day shift.”

Melanie shook her head. “I don’t know. It was weird. I thought he’d already left.”

Bastien grimaced. “And what the hell is that smell? Did someone die?”

That sent the vampires into another round of laughter.

“I would have,” Linda muttered, “if he’d stayed any longer.”

Melanie’s face creased with a combination of amusement and disgust. “It’s Whetsman.” She nodded at Cliff, Stuart, and Miguel.

Bastien glanced at them, then rolled his eyes. “The man is a menace.”

“You’ll hear no argument from me,” Melanie grumbled.

Curling an arm around her waist, Bastien bent to press a kiss to her lips. “Did he say anything I should kick his ass for?” he asked hopefully.


“Damn.” Releasing her, he turned and headed toward the treadmills.

Cliff slowed to a stop and hopped off. Because the equipment had required serious advancements to allow the vampires to run at top speeds, the belt surface was higher off the floor.

“You ready?” Bastien asked.

“Sure.” Cliff followed him out of the lab and down the hallway. The guards stationed in front of the elevator and stairwell door all nodded as they approached.

The ride up was a quiet one.

As always, guilt assailed Cliff. When some of the vampires had begun to grumble about him being the only one allowed to leave the network, Seth had stepped in and shut that down fast.

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