Cliff's Descent (Immortal Guardians #11) - Dianne Duvall Page 0,110

know what kind it was, but it killed the virus in me.”

Aidan nodded. “I can’t smell it on him. I can’t even scent it in his blood.”

Seth met Emma’s gaze. “Release him.”

She did so immediately, hoping Seth could help him. If Bastien was right and even a tiny shred of the virus remained…

Seth rested a hand on Cliff’s shoulder. A look of concentration overtook the powerful immortal’s features.

Emma’s pulse thudded in her ears as she awaited his verdict.

Seth’s frown deepened. Moving to stand beside Cliff, he released his shoulder, then rested one hand on the center of Cliff’s chest and touched the fingers of the other hand to Cliff’s forehead.

Birdsong twittered from a nearby tree, reminding Emma that sunrise approached.

“You’re right,” Seth murmured. “There’s no sign of the virus. At all. It’s been completely eradicated.”

Cliff felt no surprise at Seth’s proclamation. He hadn’t needed the powerful Immortal Guardian leader to confirm it. But the others had.

Bastien and Aidan looked utterly devastated.

And Emma…

He swallowed hard.

Biting her lip, she regarded him with glistening eyes full of anguish.

How he wished he could’ve spared her this. Cliff knew if he asked her what she would change if she could go back in time and do it all over again, she’d say nothing. Not one damned thing. But awareness of the grief she’d suffer after he was gone tore him up inside.

Heat arose at the points Seth touched him. When Cliff lowered his gaze, he discovered Seth’s hand on his chest had acquired a golden luminescence.

“It wasn’t the poison,” Seth murmured.

Emma blinked. When tears spilled down her cheeks, she absently wiped them away. “What?”

The golden glow faded, as did the warmth. Then Seth stepped back. “It wasn’t the poison.”

Cliff frowned, confused. “If it wasn’t the poison, then what was it?” It sure as hell hadn’t been the tranquilizer.

Seth glanced at Emma, then at Aidan and Bastien as if he wasn’t sure he should disclose it.

Emma sidled closer to Cliff and slipped her small hand into his. “Please. If Cliff is going to die, we should at least know why.”

Seth rubbed his palms together, almost as if doing so would magically conjure the answer he sought. When that failed, he sighed and placed his hands on his hips. “That’s just it. Cliff isn’t going to die.”

Shock rippled through him. “What?” How was that possible? “Why?” Network researchers unanimously agreed that the virus destroyed vampires’ and immortals’ immune systems.

Seth shrugged. “Because it would appear my father healed you.”

Bastien’s and Aidan’s mouths fell open.

Cliff was pretty sure his did, too, as the most absurd thought flashed through his mind. “You have a father?”

Emma looked up at him. “I’m so glad you asked that, because I was thinking the same thing.”

Seth laughed. “Yes, I have a father. One whose powers make mine seem paltry by comparison.” He smiled at Cliff. “And apparently your willingness to sacrifice yourself to spare me and members of my Immortal Guardian family pain, injury, and even death made an impression on him. Because he not only eradicated the virus, he reversed the brain damage you suffered and fully restored your immune system.”

Cliff tightened his hold on Emma’s hand as his heart began to pound. “You’re sure?”

Seth’s smile widened. “I’m sure. You are now a wholly healthy human, Cliff.” His brow furrowed. “Although you’ve lost the greater regenerative properties the virus gave you, so you will age now.”

Awe and wonder swept over Cliff as he turned to Emma. “I’m going to age now.” Joy made his chest swell and his heart expand. “We can grow old together.”

Smiling through her tears, Emma nodded. “We can grow old together.”

Elation filling him, Cliff swept her into his arms and buried his face in her neck. When that wasn’t enough, he swung her around. He was free of the virus! After years of struggling and suffering, of fighting and desperately clinging to hope, he was human again!

And they could have their happily-ever-after.

Emma laughed and cried at the same time while Cliff wept against her shoulder.

They could have their happily-ever-after!

Lowering her feet to the ground, he raised his head and stared down at her, reveling in the love and joy that lit her beautiful features, knowing she saw the same in his. “This is who we are,” he murmured, thinking of the photo she had taken of them so long ago in which they’d been so happy.

A tear slipped over her lashes and trailed down her cheek. “This is who we are, honey. Now and always.”

Smiling, he dipped his head Copyright 2016 - 2024