A Clash of Honor - By Morgan Rice Page 0,93

not expect; he smashed Thor hard in the side of the head, and sent him tumbling end over end off his horse, landing hard on the ground with a clang of metal.

Thor tumbled on the ground, winded, as horses stampeded all around him, battle cries rising up in all directions. As he rolled, he looked over and saw Reece, slashing and parrying with two soldiers, holding his own, but badly outnumbered; he saw O’Connor reach up with his bow to take a shot, but watched as a Nevarun knocked the bow from his hand with a trident before he could release. He saw Elden wield his war hammer with two hands and knock a Nevarun off his horse—only to see another Nevarun jab Elden from behind with a javelin, knocking him off his horse and down to the ground face first.

Thor saw the three other Legion members they had ridden with, boys he did not know well, and watched them fight gloriously. One of them managed to stab a Nevarun in the throat, killing him—but in the same moment, he was pierced through the chest with a spear. He cried out, and Thor felt his pain as he slumped off his horse, heading to the ground, dead.

The other legion member stabbed a Nevarun with his spear in the stomach, injuring him—but he was attacked from behind by two others, one of whom cut off the legs of his horse, while the other smashed his head with a hammer, killing him instantly.

The final Legion member leapt off his horse in a brave show of glory and landed mid-air on two Nevaruns, tackling them down to the ground before they could swing at him. He drew his dagger and stabbed one in the throat, then slashed the other. But at the same moment, he himself was pierced through the back with a trident, and he let out a great cry, as he collapsed to the ground, dead.

That left just Thor, Reece, O’Connor and Elden, the four of them against the two dozen or so Nevaruns who still remained. They had done much damage, had dwindled the Nevaruns numbers greatly, but they were still badly outnumbered, and at this pace, their chances did not look good.

Thor, on his knees, reached up to block a great sword blow from a Nevarun, coming down for his head, and as he did, he looked up into the sunset sky and saw, in the distance, Conven and Conval, charging down the mountain, coming to reinforce them. The Nevaruns didn’t expect them, and as they charged for the battle, Conven and Conval each raised a spear and hurled it, killing two more men from behind. They continued to charge, raising two more spears and hurling them, killing two more Nevaruns from behind, before the group caught wind of their advance.

Now the odds had changed. Now it was six of the Legion against twenty Nevaruns, and Thor felt a renewed sense of hope.

Thor finally managed to roll out of the way of the attacker bearing down on him, then swung around and killed him. He rolled again, took out a short spear, and hurled it at another attacker who galloped towards him, piercing his throat before the attacker could unleash his trident. The man, wounded, threw his trident at Thor, but off-balance, and the weapon sailed through the air and missed him by an inch, plunging into the ground beside him.

Another Nevarun came for Thor, this one wielding a three-headed flail with a long chain. Thor ducked, and the three spiked, iron balls whizzed by his ear, grazing his helmet and just missing him. As the man past, Thor loaded his sling and hurled a rock, hitting the attacker on the back of his head and sending him from his horse, dropping the flail.

Thor dove to the ground as a horse rode by, just missing being trampled, and grabbed the flail lying on the ground, with its long chain, then rolled around, got to his feet, and swung it at his two oncoming attackers. He connected with them both, knocking them both off the horses, landing on the ground with a clang of metal. He swung it again, raising it high above his head, and before each could get up, knocked them back down to the ground.

Thor heard a screech overhead and looked up to see his old friend, Estopheles; as a soldier charged Thor from behind, javelin raised high, Estopheles dove down and bit the man’s wrist right

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