A Clash of Honor - By Morgan Rice Page 0,50

dexterity unlike any he’d ever seen, her depth of knowledge. He tried to process it all. He was about to ask her more questions, when suddenly a horn sounded from high up above, from the top floor of the building, echoing down the spiral staircase, all the way down to this chamber.

Suddenly Gwen stood, looking alarmed.

“Aberthol,” she said. “He never sounds the horn unless it is pressing, unless someone has arrived here for me.”

She hurried from the room, and the two of them climbed up the flights of stairs, circling all the way to the top, then continued down the corridor and out the front door, Krohn following.

Thor raised his hands to the harsh sunlight, squinting, as he made out the figures before him. He was surprised to see his friends—Reece, O’Connor, Elden, the twins—along with several Legion members, on horseback, waiting for him.

“Sorry to break this up,” Reece said, “but Kolk’s orders. We need to go. The Legion has been dispatched for rebuilding. Squadrons are already beginning to line up, and you are captain now. They won’t leave without you.”

Thor felt his stomach drop at the thought of leaving Gwen, but he nodded back to the others.

“I’ll be there momentarily,” Thor said. “Go ahead without me.”

Reece nodded in understanding, and corralled the others, and they turned and galloped away, back down the hill.

Thor turned to Gwen and saw the distress in her eyes. It was their final moment, before he left. He needed to ask her the question. Now, more than ever. But he saw the sadness in her eyes, and he did not feel that the time was right.

“Will you be safe here, alone?” Thor asked.

She nodded gravely.

“I’ll be fine,” she said. “Don’t worry about me.”

“But you can’t stay in the castle,” Thor said, concerned. “Not with Gareth there. It is not safe.”

She shook her head.

“I will stay at my mother’s castle. No one knows of it. I’ll await your return there.”

“When I return, if you have not found a way to depose Gareth, we will flee this place together. I will bring you to a place of safety.”

“There is nothing to worry for,” she said. “Gareth tried to ship me off, and he failed. There’s no way he can harm me now. Too many soldiers are aware of his treachery. I will be fine. And you will be back in a short period of time.”

“Let me, at least, leave Krohn with you,” Thor said.

Krohn, beside them, whined, and jumped onto Gwen, licking her.

“He will watch over you here, in my absence,” Thor added. “And when I return, we will be together. Forever this time.”

Thor leaned in and kissed her, and she kissed him back. He felt transported by that kiss, and he held it as long as he could. A cool fall breeze rushed over them, and he wanted this moment to last forever.

Slowly, he pulled back. There was a tear in Gwen’s eyes.

“I love you,” Thor said.

“I love you too,” she answered.


Gwen stood there, outside the House of Scholars, and watched as Thor disappeared yet again, riding into the horizon with his Legion members. Once again, she felt a pit in her stomach. She did not feel the same sense of desperation she’d felt when he’d left for the Hundred; it was different, since at least this time he would be coming home soon, and this time he was not risking his life in a dangerous place, but merely helping villages rebuild close to home. He would also be surrounded by loyal friends, and she felt confident he’d be safe; and she, for her part, had Krohn by her side, had her mother’s castle to hide in, and had the other soldiers behind her, who were now at least aware of the depth of Gareth’s treachery.

Yet still, she could not help but feel overwhelmed with a sense of sadness, of longing. In some ways, it was harder this time. She loved him more. More than she had ever loved anybody. She loved him with a love that was hard to explain, that even she did not understand. He was so kind, and sensitive, and loyal, and protective, and proud. It hurt her when he was gone. She wanted him close all the time. And as she reached down and felt her stomach, she sensed that she carried his child. With every move she took, every gesture she made, her body felt different. She felt an energy welling within her, an ever-present feeling. She felt a

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