A Clash of Honor - By Morgan Rice Page 0,45

Would Gwen be gone from him even now? Was there no low to which her brother Gareth would not stoop to send her away?

Thor was so grateful that he had been there to stop them, and so grateful he’d had the support of his fellow soldiers. He felt so proud of her that they all wanted her to rule, and indeed, he felt that there would be no better ruler than her.

But he also felt that their time together was precious now, with the Legion preparing to be dispatched again to help rebuild the towns ravaged by the McCloud raid. He knew it was only a matter of time until he was summoned, sent forth with the others, and he wanted every minute he could have with Gwen.

Most of all, there was the question that still burned front and center in his mind: would she marry him? As they walked through the fields, making their way slowly past the cliffs, hand in hand, Thor’s heart was pounding, his throat dry. He was ready to ask her; he wanted to ask her; and at every turn, he asked himself if this was a good place to ask the question that would change their lives forever. He felt ashamed that he did not have a jewel or a ring or anything of worth to give her; all he had was his love. And he was still afraid that she might say no. Then what would become of their relationship? Was he over-reaching? Did she still think that he was beneath her somehow? Did she ever truly believe that?

Thor wanted to think that she did not, that she would say yes, but a part of him was still unsure.

Still, the time had come to ask, and at every turn, he wanted to. But he just could not tell when the perfect moment was.

“You seem preoccupied,” Gwen said, as they walked.

Thor snapped out of it.

“Do I?” he asked.

“Yes, you do,” she said.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “Tell me where you are taking me.”

“I already told you,” she said, a smile at the corner of her lips. “You really aren’t present, are you?”

He blushed.

“I’m sorry. Please, tell me again.”

“I wanted to bring you to a place that is important to me. You said you wanted to know more about me. And this place tells it all. It is where I spend most of my time when you are away. It means everything and more to me. And I wanted to share it with you.”

“I am honored,” he said. “What is it?”

Gwen’s smile broadened.

“You’ll see when we get there.”

She squeezed his hand harder, and they stepped up their pace, Krohn yelping beside them, as they continued through the fields, and up the gradual terrain of a vast hill, covered in flowers.

“Our time together is short,” Thor said, clearing his throat, sweating as he began his warm up to proposing. “Soon, I will be dispatched, with the rest of the Legion, to help rebuild.”

“I know,” she said, her face darkening. “But the rebuilding won’t take long. You’ll be back in a matter of days.”

“When I return, I am hoping things will change,” he said, nearly stammering.

“How so?” she asked.

He cleared his throat several times, blushing. He felt like a fool for being so embarrassed, so fearful in this arena.

“There is a question I’ve been wanting to ask you,” he finally managed to say.

Her smile broadened.

“And?” she asked. “What might that be?”

Thor opened his mouth to speak several times, but each time, his throat went dry. He reddened, embarrassed. He’d never asked a girl to marry him before, and he did not know the right way to do it.

“Um…” he said then began again, “um… I was wondering……”

Gwen finally laughed.

“I haven’t seen you at such a loss for words since I first met you,” she said laughing and laughing.

Thor blushed even more, now not sure if he should proceed. He felt as if he had already ruined the moment.

They reached the top of the hill at that moment, and as they did, a building came into view before them. They both stopped, staring at it, and Thor was taken aback in wonder. It was one of the most beautiful structures he had ever seen. It was shaped in a perfect circle, built low to the ground, may be only twelve feet high, and built of ancient, worn stone, a glowing white. Its roof was completely flat, covered in a shining gold plate which reflected in the sun. Its door

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