A Clandestine Corporate Affair - By Michelle Celmer Page 0,40

He’s a baron.”

“Are you telling me that she ditched her sons for some guy she barely knows? That’s terrible!”

“That’s my mother.”

“So, what are your plans?”

“I haven’t actually made any yet. Jordan didn’t ask what I was doing, so I’m assuming he’s got something else planned. I’ll probably just hang around my apartment until you get back from your dad’s place. When do you typically leave?”

“As early as humanly possible. It’s usually just the two of us and it’s very…awkward. Although, this being Max’s first Christmas, he’ll probably expect us to stay longer. I’m still not even sure when we’re having dinner. I tried calling him twice today. Once on his cell, then again at his office. His secretary said he was in a meeting, but that usually just means he doesn’t want to talk to me. He’s probably still pissed about yesterday morning. I think he’s convinced that I was out all night partying. There was a blurb in the society pages Sunday morning about me being out clubbing, and someone snapped a photo of me coming out of the bar. The paparazzi is getting really sneaky. I didn’t even see them this time.”

“And being the devoted father that he is, he of course believes the press over his own daughter,” Nathan said.

“The ramifications of my rebellious phase. The gift that just keeps on giving.”

“He seriously doesn’t see that you’re not that woman anymore? That you’re mature and responsible, and an incredible mother.”

“If he’s noticed, he’s never acknowledged it.”

“How is he going to feel when he finds out about us?”

“Truthfully, I don’t care anymore. I’m getting tired of the game. If it weren’t for Max, I would probably spend Christmas Day at home with you. Preferably next to the fire in my flannel pajamas.”

“We’ll plan that for next year,” Nathan said, realizing that he was anticipating that there would be a next year for them. And a next, and a next.

“I guess this year we’ll just have to settle for Christmas dinner apart. I left my dad a message, but I haven’t heard back yet. I’ll let you know as soon as I do.”

Adam stuck his head in Nathan’s office. “Sorry to interrupt. Have you got a second?”

For the boss, always. He gestured Adam inside, noting that he shut the door behind him. “Miss Maxwell, can I call you back?”

He knew Ana would understand that was code for Someone who can’t know who I’m really talking to just walked in. “Sure. I’ll talk to you later,” she said.

He shut his cell phone and asked Adam, “What’s up?”

“I just wondered if you’d had a chance to talk to your brother.”


Adam looked a little taken aback. “The suspicious financial discoveries.”

Could he make himself look like more of an idiot?

“Sorry, but no, I haven’t.” Lately he’d been too wrapped up in his own life to give it much consideration. “Like I said the other day, Jordan and I just don’t talk. I was supposed to have dinner with him Christmas Day, and I thought I might be able to get something out of him then, but the plans fell through. But even that was a long shot. If I start prying into his personal finances, he’s going to get suspicious.”

“I understand. I wanted to ask anyway, just in case. It looks as though we’ll have to go through with replacing his secretary with an agency operative. He’ll be told that she was sent by our temp company.”

“I really think that’s going to be the best way to get the information we need. Although for the record I still believe he’s innocent.”

“I hope that’s the case.” Adam turned to leave, then stopped with his hand on the doorknob and turned back to Nathan. “Is everything okay with you?”

“Of course. Why do you ask?”

“Lately you’ve seemed a bit…distracted. That, and you’ve been taking more time off than usual.”

“Do you have an issue with my performance?”

“No, not at all. And in case you’re worried, it isn’t something that will have a negative impact when it comes to your bid for the CEO position. I consider you a friend, and I was concerned.”

Though Adam didn’t come right out and say it, Nathan could tell that he wanted some sort of explanation. Considering the circumstances, and put in his position, Nathan would feel the same way. “The truth is, I’ve been seeing someone,” he told Adam. “It’s still pretty casual at this point, but it has definite possibilities.”

“I’d like to meet her. Will you be bringing her to

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