A Clandestine Corporate Affair - By Michelle Celmer Page 0,27

him and tore it open.

“You in a hurry?” he asked.

“What part of ‘I haven’t had sex in eighteen months’ didn’t you get?”

She might have been surprised to learn that since her, there had been only one other woman for him. And that was over a year ago. A rebound relationship that had been brief and, quite frankly, not very exciting. Of course, compared to Ana, not many women were. That used to be the kind of woman he preferred. Someone who wouldn’t excite him or challenge him. But being with Ana had changed him. She’d more or less ruined him for other women. In and out of the bedroom.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t take our time,” he said.

She threw a leg over his thighs and straddled him, and he knew that there was no use in arguing. He could see things hadn’t changed. He had a short window of time in which she let him have control—which was nowhere near three hours—and then she angled for the dominant position. He knew that when she reached that point, there was no reasoning with her.

She pulled the condom from the wrapper and he braced himself because he knew exactly what was coming next. She’d done it dozens of times before.

With a saucy smile she said, “Goes on better damp,” then she leaned down and took him in her mouth. He groaned and fisted the blanket as she used her tongue to wet him from tip to base.

If she kept that up, this would be over in ten seconds.

She sat back on her heels, wearing a smile that said she knew exactly what she was doing to him, and it was payback time. She rolled the condom on like a pro, then centered herself over him, flush with anticipation. Her body was a little rounder than before, her breasts fuller and her hips softer, and he didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so beautiful.

“Ready?” she asked.

As if he had a choice.

She braced her hands on his chest and sank down slowly, inch by excruciating inch. He hissed out a breath as her hot, slippery walls closed in around him. Though he would have considered the opposite to be true, he could swear she was even tighter than she’d been before having Max. Maintaining even a shred of control was going to be close to impossible. Ironic, considering the way he’d just been teasing her.

“Oh, Nathan,” she moaned, eyes closed, slowly riding him. “You wouldn’t believe how amazing this feels.”

He wanted to tell her that actually yes, he would, but he was barely hanging on. If he so much as uttered a sound he was going to lose it. And he’d be damned if he was going to let himself climax first. That just wasn’t the way he did things. He needed to take the upper hand before he completely lost control.

Nathan flipped Ana over. She let out a gasp of surprise as her back hit the floor. She opened her mouth to protest, but as he plunged himself deep inside of her, a moan of pleasure emerged instead. Arching into his thrust, her legs wrapped around his waist, nails digging into his shoulder. He barely had a chance to establish a rhythm before her body started to quake, clamping around him like a vise, and he couldn’t have held back if his life depended on it. In that instant time ground to a screeching halt and there was nothing but pleasure.

When time started moving again, he looked down at Ana lying beneath him, eyes closed, breathing hard, her hair fanned like crimson flames against the blanket. The woman was pure sex.

“You okay?” he asked.

Her eyes slowly opened, filled not with tears this time, but a satisfaction he was pretty damn sure she could see mirrored back in his own gaze. She nodded and said breathlessly, “I know we probably shouldn’t have done that, and it’s going to complicate the hell out of things, but…damn…it was so worth it.”

Sex with Nathan had always been out-of-this-world fantastic. But tonight he shot her clear to a different galaxy.

She wasn’t sure if it was so good because it had been so long, or because it was the first time after having Max. Or if Nathan was just really, really good at making her crazy. Whatever the reason, it was a shame that they could never do it again.

Nathan must have been thinking the same thing. He rolled onto his back, sighed slow and deep, and said, “I

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