Claimed by Her Mafia Man - Sam Crescent Page 0,16

he actually wanted to fuck her, get to know her, and fuck protocol.

“I want to let you know, Isabella, with me, you don’t have to stick to protocol. I’m quite happy for us to get to know one another on a fundamental basis.”

“You mean you want to sleep with me and then forget all about the wedding.”

He advanced toward her, and she stepped back. They were far from the wall and this time, he trapped her against him and a hard place. “I will never back out. We’re going to be married. You’re going to take my name. It doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun in the process.”

“How can I trust you?” she asked.

He grabbed her hand and placed it against his dick. “Feel that. It’s what you do to me. All I can think about is you.”

Now, against his better instincts, he sank his fingers into her hair, tilted her head back, and kissed her, claiming her. Finally having her all to himself. No woman ever made him feel this … need. She drove him wild and what was more, she didn’t even know it.

Biting down on her lip, he heard her soft cry. He broke the kiss and stepped back.

“Let’s go again.”

Her lips were red from his kiss and she looked so fuckable. All in good time, he’d have everything there was to know about her.

One day.

She was going to be by his side. He was going to make sure of it.

Isabella lowered the blade. “I’d rather fight you in hand-to-hand combat.”

“Then let’s go.”

He waited, watching as she put the blade on the table, and moved back into position. She didn’t raise her hands but the moment she sprang for the attack, he was more than ready for her.

Isabella was strong. He admired that about her. What he wanted to do was make sure she was ready for anyone who thought they could come and take her from him.

She would survive, she’d be his wife, and they would live the rest of their lives together. Isabella was born for him, and he had no interest in squashing her. All he wanted to do was see her thrive.

Chapter Five

“Do I need to be worried about what happened while I was gone?” Randy asked the following morning at the breakfast table.

The house was already in perfect condition. The benefits of knowing the right people and paying just the right amount of money.

Isabella lowered her bruised body into the chair. After deciding on hand-to-hand combat, Damon didn’t let anything go. He gave her his all, and she just kept on going until exhaustion won out. The last time she felt this sore and tired was not long after her father decided she needed to be strong to take over.

“No, you don’t need to be worried.” She winced. Damon had grabbed her leg last night, lifted her up, and spun her around as if she was nothing more than a rag doll. If she’d been fighting him as a kid, she’d likely be dead.

“Do I need to take Damon on the mat? Hurt him?”

“No. He promised not to hold back and he didn’t. I liked it.”

“You liked getting your ass kicked?”

She glared at him. “I didn’t get it kicked a whole lot. Just enough for me to know that I’ve got a lot of work to do. Now enough, tell me everything is okay with them?”

Randy folded up the paper as she reached out to fill her breakfast plate with waffles and all the good stuff that was cooked. She was starved, and she finished her plate with lots of syrup. Yum.

“Everything is fine. They haven’t had any unsuspecting visitors. You can relax.”

“I can’t relax. Not until we figure out who wants to kill me. I know you think it’s the Boss, but I can’t help but think he’d need more evidence. A show of my betrayal or something like that.”

She dug into her breakfast, closing her eyes, moaning.

“You know you pose a risk in helping them,” Randy said.

“Dad gave me the same warning before he died.”

“This is who you are.”

“I don’t care. I’m not going to be a monster and this is the last I’m going to hear about it.”

“Hear about what?” Damon said, entering the dining room.

He didn’t limp or look tired. In fact, she didn’t know how it was possible, he looked even more handsome than the last time she saw him. Stupid man.

“Nothing,” she said.

“It doesn’t sound like nothing and I’m to be part of this Copyright 2016 - 2024