Claimed by Cipher - Lolita Lopez Page 0,103

the planet. I know the sympathizers on the colonies,” Reckless babbled. “I know about the skin traders they use to fund their operations.”

“I haven’t heard anything new,” Grim said, shifting the blade to the other hand. “What do you think, boss?”

“I think our guest needs a little encouragement to dig deep into that brain of his and give us the really good intel we deserve.”

“Encouragement?” Grim grinned almost evilly. “That just so happens to be my biggest talent.”

“No!” Reckless screamed as Grim began to demonstrate those talents.

A long time later, Terror rinsed the blood from his hands at the sink in the corner of the room. It hadn’t taken nearly as much knife work to get what they needed from Reckless. Many of the things he babbled in a desperate bid to make it stop had already been uncovered by Savage and Torment while going through the doctor’s extensive notes and files. Like so many assholes, his arrogance in his own abilities had left his notes poorly encrypted and easily deciphered. Safe houses, ships, names of skin traders, names of friendly politicians, names of other Splinters serving in the Harcos land and sky forces...

Much of that had been confirmed during their session today. Much more would be confirmed in the coming days and weeks as they worked to untangle the mess left behind by Reckless and the untimely death of Devious. There were still assets lost in the wind. There were still critical missions that had to be completed.

But he had other places to be.

“What do I do with him?” Grim asked, wiping his face with a cloth. He coldly eyed the blood on the towel before tossing it in the trash.

Terror glanced at Reckless who had slumped over against the wall, crying and bleeding everywhere. “Clean him up. Get him dressed. Let Orion know the good doctor is ready for the noose.”

“Got it.” Grim studied him for a moment. “What about you?”

“What about me?”

Grim’s mouth settled into an annoyed line. “You heard what he said about the girl. About your girl,” he clarified. “You going after her?”


“You need help?”

Terror considered Grim. He was the best assassin the Shadow Force had ever produced. He would be an asset on a job like this. “Sure.”

“Lethal is bored as fuck. He’s useful in a tight spot.”

“Bring him.”

“What about a pilot?”

“I’ve got that handled.” Down at the Departures deck, Zephyr, the same pilot who had shot him out of the sky all those months ago, waited to repay his debt. “One hour. Docking Station 12.”

Grim nodded. “I’ll be there.”

Terror left The Hole and returned to the main offices of the Shadow Force HQ. He was surprised to find Vicious waiting for him. His oldest and dearest friend wasn’t wearing his usual general’s uniform. He was in tactical clothing and strapped for battle. Frowning, he asked, “What the fuck are you doing, Vee?”

“The fuck does it look like I'm doing?”

“Getting us both in trouble with your pregnant wife,” Terror stated matter-of-factly. “I just got out of the hospital. I’d like to not end up there again when Hallie kicks my ass for getting you hurt.”

“I’m not going to get hurt.” Vicious rose from his chair. “And Hallie knows I’m here.”

Terror wavered. “Vee, I’ve got other men willing to go.”

“Great. The more the merrier.”

“That’s not my point.”

“I know what your point is,” Vicious replied. “I’m here because I want to be here.” He stepped closer and placed his meaty paw on Terror’s neck. “I’m here because you’re my best friend, and I almost lost you again. I’m done almost losing you.”

“Impending fatherhood has made you soft,” Terror gruffly said.

Vicious laughed and then said, more seriously, “I hope someday very soon you have the same experience.”

A vision of a small child with bright blue eyes and freckles taunted him. Was that even a possibility for someone as fucked up as he was?

She might not even want you. She might hate you now.

There was only way to find out.

“Come on, Papa Bear.” Terror slapped Vicious on the back. “Let’s go piss off Orion by stealing one of his ships.”

The End.

About the Author

The alter ego of New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Roxie Rivera, I like to write super sexy romances and scorching hot erotica. I live in Texas on five acres with my husband, our two mischievous girls, a pair of Great Danes, a couple of cats and various fish.

You can find me online at

Also by Lolita Lopez


Grabbed by Vicious

Caught by Menace

Saved by Venom

Stolen by Raze

Claimed By Cipher

Dragon Heat

Dead Sexy Dragon

Red Hot Dragon

Wicked Dark Dragon

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